Oflugr Species in The molten idea pit | World Anvil
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The flying crystals

When we first arrived in the valley the beasts looked like they had been expecting us. Sitting there atop the crystals. Completely unmoving except for their eyes, calmly gazing down upon the strangers entering their land. I shall forever be grateful they allowed us to seek refuge here...
— Artimus, one of the original settlers


Since we know so little about the Oflugr, many myths and legends have sprung up about them. Many believe them to be a sign of divinity, and bringers of good luck. They're often thought of as the protectors of the valley.

Basic Information


An Oflugr is a large winged creature with a wingspan of typically about 6,5m. It stands at about 2m up to its shoulder and is from head to tail almost 8m long. The head is rather large for the body size, with the lower jaw being slightly larger than the upper. It is thought this is to aid the Oflugr breaking off and/or holding on to the hard crystal formations. Its wings, while soft, bear a striking resemblance to the surrounding crystal landscape earning them the nickname flying crystals. On its tail, there are two sets of small wings who helps the Oflugr with precise aerial movements.

Genetics and Reproduction

We have yet to see Oflugrs reproduce or take care of their young. In fact, we haven't observed an Oflugr who wasn't fully grown. They seem to age at a timescale so vastly different from our own that they appear ageless.

Ecology and Habitats

Until we arrived in the valley creatures like the Oflugr had only been seen in songs and tales along with other mythical beasts. They seem to be masters of this environment easily navigating between the sharp peaks and finding grip on the smoothest crystal wall. they seem to sleep in caves and cracks high above the ground where even the birds dread to fly.

Dietary Needs and Habits

We know very little about what the Oflugr eat, only that they don't do it often. One particular individual didn't leave the area around our settlement for a whole year, and not once was it seen eating. They seem contempt living peacefully alongside the birds and other animals roaming around the forests, and how relaxed the animals in turn are around the Oflugr suggests they're not seen as predators. The beasts sharp teeth, however, suggests otherwise.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Although hard to confirm due to the Oflugrs' unwillingness to be studied more closely, they're thought to have similar hearing and eyesight to us humans. What's fascinating for many however is their relationship with the environment. When they're flying they don't seem to rely on their ordinary senses. It has been speculated they use some form of echolocation, but we simply don't know.

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Author's Notes

Hello! And thank you for reading my article!
This was made during the Summer Camp 2018 challenge. I won't be editing any of these to keep them for looking back on. That being said some I'm really not happy with, so I'll most likely put up an edited version at some point. If I do you will be able to find the link on the top of the page

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