Talas Pódraga Character in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Talas Pódraga

(a.k.a. The Snake Dancer)

As the cell door opens, you see a hunched over person. As soon as he realizes that the people entering the cell are not here to beat him, his green eyes glint with a mischievous shine. He stands up, showing off a few small bruises that he was hiding when you first stepped in, and his dark brown hair begins to flow behind him. You see also small snake scale tattoos travel the length of his arms and his hands have small circles and squares decorating them.   “Oh, by the Four,” he begins to say as his voice climbs in volume, “you’ve come! Daz came for us, boss!”

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Talas has a very thin physique that is nearly all muscle, honed from years of twisting and contorting and long hours dancing.

Identifying Characteristics

He has several long tattoos that adorn his tanned arms that resemble snake scales and small geometric designs.

Apparel & Accessories

When not performing, he sticks to simple loose fitting tunics of bright colours. In performance, he wears a tight-fitting gown that is coloured green to match the tattooed “scales” on his arms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Talas has always grown up in the troupe of Kilar Vasarni, and he became known as the Snake Dancer due to his ability to contort and sway in such a way to mimic the movements of snakes and other such reptiles. This brought in a lot of money in the troupe, and so Kilar gave him significantly more free reign than many. Just so, he was by Kilar’s side when the troupe was attacked and captured by The Deranti Bandits, and was therefore spared a lot of the horrible treatment that his troupe mates suffered. Thanks to the bravery of Daz Dromégar, he is now free to travel the world again, a little wiser and maybe a little worse for wear.


  • grew up under the wing of Kilar Vasarni for nearly his entire life.
  • Intellectual Characteristics

    Talas is well-known for his often out-of-place enthusiasm, and he is often the first to try new things or experiment with new routines.

    Personality Characteristics


    Talas doesn’t have large scale motivations, being used to Kilar giving him everything he needs in that department. Now that the troupe is disbanded, he isn’t sure what he’ll do with his new-found freedom.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • He is bizarrely good at dancing, so much so that some wonder if he came by his skill honestly or whether he sold his soul to do it.
  • He has difficulty with intellectual pursuits such as math or logic, and he isn’t good at arguing his point either.
  • Likes & Dislikes

  • He enjoys trying new things, especially new skills and trades.
  • He detests long hard physical labour, which was often necessary to the success of the troupe.
  • Virtues & Personality perks

  • An enthusiasm that is nearly contagious; and
  • a wild soul that demands to be free.
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • He can get a little louder than is considered proper when he gets excited; and
  • His optimism is often in face of the reality of his situation.
  • Hygiene

    He kept himself very clean for troupe performances.


    Contacts & Relations

  • Daz Drómegar used to be a member of his troupe.
  • He still travels with Kilar Vasarni, his old troupe master.
  • Social Aptitude

    He has a big personality and isn’t afraid to flaunt it. He has a confidence that only comes from years of working in a circus-like atmosphere and an extroversion that comes from his high station in the troupe.


    He has very little manners, which often got him and the troupe in trouble when they performed for more noble audiences.


    His voice has been heavily influenced by the Essic-Llenic people he has performed for and is often described as deep but cheerful.

    Wealth & Financial state

    After his misadventure with the Deranti bandits, he has very little money except for what Daz gave to Kilar to fund their further adventures.
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    1986 CE
    Dark brown, flowing
    6' 2" (6 and a half handspans)
    129 lbs. (390 IS's)
    Known Languages
    He only knows Common Gratic and can muddle his way through some basic Essic-Llenic.
    Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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