Ettercap Species in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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"Locale: Forested regions   Danger: Low   One of the oddest of the natural creatures, this animal looks very similar to what would happen if one tried to transmute a spider into a human and stopped about halfway along. It has arms and can hold weapons in them if the tales are true, but it has four spider-like legs and a maw that drips purple poisons. Also beware the centre of its stomach which has the ability to shoot binding webs at prey."   ~Perk Zarlé, Guide to the Creatures of Endaman

Basic Information


This creature has four short, spindly legs that resemble those of a spider, a pair of arms that spilt about halfway down to form four hands. They also have glands in their mouths that produce poison that drips from their long fangs. Instead of skin, ettercaps have a brown chitinous exoskeleton. In the lower portion of their thorax they can create webbing like spiders and can shoot it out of the centre of their chests or the centre of their backs to ensnare prey.

Growth Rate & Stages

As with snakes, an ettercap eventually outgrows its current chitin shell and sheds it in a series of brown plates.

Ecology and Habitats

Ettercaps follow the movement of spiders and are commonly found in forests and jungles.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ettercaps consume meat that they catch by ensnaring it in webs so that it cannot escape.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There seems to be a loose hierarchy among the creatures, with some kind of priest-like higher class and the various workers below them.

Facial characteristics

The face of an ettercap has several small black eyes, much like the face of a spider.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

This species can be found across the entirety of the Deranti Forest, the Taash, and the Spart Jungle.

Average Intelligence

They have some concept of language and can plan out tactics but do not make tools or weapons.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ettercaps have an equivalent hearing and sight with other humanoid creatures.
35 years
Conservation Status
The species is considered pests and rather dim, and are expected to be hunted on sight.
Average Height
6-7 feet tall
Average Weight
125-200 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The brown exoskeleton of an ettercap will vary from a light tan to a dark chocolate-like colour depending on the region they are found in.
Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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