The Hole In The Ground South of The Wayne's Well
There are many strange creatures in The Lost Place, so there are many strange stories about the strange creatures. The strange creatures live in strange places so we can deduce that there are many strange stories about strange places in The Lost Place.
One such strange place is south of Pumpkin Hill. At the end of one of the many dirt trails is a beautiful stone well. At the bottom of this well, the clearest cleanest water pools and gathers. The finest Luftkun poets and painters and the like have all drunk from this well. It is believed that all creativity flows from the water from this well. The drinker of the water has a profound change come over them. Their brain is opened up to the great creative source and as a result, fresh ideas come to them in a steady flow just like the water from the well. The partaker of water will be open to such original ideas so that they can support their families after drinking in whatever creative medium suits them. I know this sounds too good to be true and it is. It isn't a gift but rather a trade. The drinker gives up some of their life in exchange for the effect of the water. In time the well in the drinker's brain will dry up. The creative flow will slow, and as it does the person will begin to have a steady decline in cognitive function. In a matter of weeks, the drinker of the water will become a mere shell of themselves. They are no longer able to communicate nor care for themselves. They can dwindle in this limbo for unknown lengths of time.
If you were to travel to this well, you would come across a strange type of flower that lives in a three to four-mile radius of this area. The flower has a tall green stem that has most of the flowers standing knee height to a human. Four long white petals can open to reveal a functioning eyeball. The flowers will turn and watch any adventurer that approached the Well of Wayne. The closer you get to the well the more of these Eyeball Flowers you will see.
Not many adventurers go beyond the well as the smaller trail is often overlooked. Local folklore states that should you venture beyond the well, you are unlikely to return. One step down this path and you will instantly hear the heavenly singing voices of what must be angels. The wandering traveler will succumb to the music and be unable to turn back. Like a zombie, they trudge along the path until they reach a hill with a dark black hole in the center. Eyeball flowers are here and there all over the grassy hill. In a trance, the doomed adventurer would walk up the path that ends at the hole and disappear into the darkness.
It is in this dark hole that the strange creature, Smack, lives. Legend tells us that he was a young human boy that found his way into The Lost Place and was the first to fall into this hole. The boy lay with snapped legs twisted in agony. Very few creatures ventured this far south so his crying pleas went unheard. The boy starved and wasted away. His body made a decision for him and his feet took root into the rich soil in the bottom of the abyss. His lower body grew a skin of tree bark and moss. He became a plantlike creature that absorbed nourishment from the ground below him. In time, the boy was completely gone as he was transformed into this creature. All that remained was the plant creature The Luftkuns call Smack. The singing voices that beckon the entranced to the hole in the hill are Smack's secondary way of drawing in prey. The song-enchanted fall into the pit and are pinned down by vines and moss; foliage soon covers the bodies and begins to grow in and on the corpses as Smack feeds.
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