The Cob
"How dare you, sir! I am a Cob, not a spider! Spiders can hardly spell their names and I am a college educated Cob!" - James Thorington, Cob
What is a Cob?
To look at a Cob you would think that they are simply a spider of some strange type and in some sense that would be correct. Cobs do have eight eyes and eight legs with two main sections of a body. Cobs do drink the blood of their victims. However, that is where the similarities stop. Cobs are so much more than a spider. Cobs are a proud race of writers and story weavers. Since the "Terrible Bad" that took place long ago at the Festival of The Great Full Moons, all of the great myths and legends of The Lost Place have either been written or transcribed by a Cob. You will find families of Cobs working in markets, banks, or newspapers. Some wealthier Luftkun families have live-in Cobs. In every post office, you'll find at least one Cob ready to take your letter down and get it ready to mail for you. Every voyage or quest that is taken on has one brave Cob join in on the party so that a written account can be maintained.Characteristics of a Cob
Cobs are notorious for being dedicated hard working souls. They can be a bit high strung. Anxiety often plagues a Cob and they often feel uncertain about how to react or respond in social situations. When not working they prefer to retire alone to a good book, a warm fire, and a glass of blood. Cobs are pleasant creatures as long as you don't insult them by calling them a spider. Cobs like to think of themselves as a creature with a higher intellect when compared to spiders. They will call you out on that, often in an embarrassing way so better take this as a warning and never call a Cob a spider. Fear not they are easy to spot. A Cob will often wear a coat, vest, and a tie or a turtleneck sweater. They often wear a monocle over their dominant eye. Most Cobs smoke a very pungent smelling weed in a long Churchwarden Pipe. Cobs often carry a pocket watch as they detest being late out of fear that it will make them look irresponsible.The Working Cob
Most Cobs you find in post offices and on quests write using a quill and parchment for writing letters. After The Engineer finished the long work of making coal driven arms for all of the Luftkuns, he produced microscopic mechanical typewriters for Cobs. Most Cobs, when time permits, would rather work in the fine silk they weave and write in their own webs as it is the most natural for them.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild