Fellowship Organization in The Library Above the Stars | World Anvil
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Reading the name of this organization makes you think of something else. Once you go past the title and read the rest of the description, you realize you are reading an article about an organization. What organization though? You look at the title once again. Of course, this organization. Not going to forget it now. Your eyes move past the title, and once again you forget.  


Inscrutable, ineffable, another "in" word


It has always existed to do what is to do, to record what must be known, to cover up what must not be heard, and to aid those who do not exist.


Ever changing ever vast, like a business casual cathedral of infinity.

"If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget."

Simply more of a charity
Alt. Names
You are currently reading a list of names. Some may be the names of this organization. Some names listed are people you have yet to meet. You may read through this again. You won't remember any of it anyway.
Founding Date
It has always existed.
Notable Members
Chibi Mabis, Jelly (Employee Exchange Program)
HQ Location
The... what? Now this is just gibberish...


After the Fellowship set the Chibi Mabis free from IRS prison, they offered them a job to help with whatever the Fellowship do.

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