Independent Preternatural Legion Organization in The Layered Earth | World Anvil
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Independent Preternatural Legion

The Independent Preternatural Legion {IPL} is a secret paramilitary organization based in Layer Beta. They were founded by an unknown individual or collective only known as ‘Brave’ sometime between the two World Wars. Brave, either as an individual or a collection of individuals, may have served as a member of a paranatural military division of a country that participated in World War One; this knowledge is based upon ███████.   The IPL mostly keep to themselves and do not openly antagonize any of the major international supernatural organizations, including the Chatter & Melody Society, the International Paranatural Council, the Inter-Cultural League, or the Basic Decency Collective. They are antagonistic towards most organized religions, both ‘traditional’ ones, including Christianity, Hinduism, and the various ancient pantheons, and ‘supernatural’ ones, including the Cult of the Great Bat, the Great Church of the Serpents, and the Holy Sea Temple. They are openly violent towards branches of government focused on the supernatural, including the Shooting Star Division, the CIA’s Directorate of the Supernatural, MI6’s Paranatural Directorate, and the Department of the Unknown.

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