Priests and Divine Shoguns of the Harutochi Isles Profession in The Land of Gallilir | World Anvil
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Priests and Divine Shoguns of the Harutochi Isles

As Harutochi developed largely untouched by other cultures for a long while, the concept of Tir Navianism did not take in the country, but that isn't to say that Clerics and Paladins did not sprout up in their own unique ways. The core belief system in Harutochi is Spiritism, the idea that there are many spirits which live within all things in the world, and these spirits are governed by many elemental gods.    The clerics of Harutochi are known as Priests, and they commune with these elemental gods which grant them powers, evidence of the accuracy of their beliefs. These priests often dress in lighter armours and robes compared to the more heavily armoured types of clerics out in the world. They find their place as spiritual leaders for the common folk and played an essential role in the formation of monasteries across the country. As such monks and priests have a very close relationship, for their teachings formed the basis of their own ways of life. It's not uncommon for priests to live in monasteries with the monks, ensuring the monks are living up to the expectations of their gods.    The paladins of Harutochi are known as Divine Shoguns, their armour often heavy and crafted to fit in alongside samurai. Divine Shoguns are advanced priests who have been called upon by their gods to become holy warriors. They travel Harutochi defending the land from blights and evils which crop up, ensuring corruption of the soul does not take in the hearts of their people. Overall they are powerful, spell wielding samurai that serve no lord.



Training in sacred scripture is a must prior to entry into the clergy. Priests and Divine Shoguns apprentice with another of their ilk, until they are ready to take on the mantle themselves.

Career Progression

Once one is certified as a priest of Divine Shogun, they really only answer to the gods through communion with the spirits, and to the head Priest or Shogun of the island they are on at the time. Otherwise they may act as they see fit in defense of Harutochi.

Payment & Reimbursement

Most villages will accommodate any priest or shogun they encounter, covering their need for payment. Donations are also made to the holy men as payment for their service.
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