The known galaxies The history of the Praethorian Empire Timeline
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The history of the Praethorian Empire

Era of the Old Empire

1705 0

  • -1705 BFOE

    Founding of the Old Praethorian Empire
    Era beginning/end

  • -1511 BFOE

    -1506 BFOE

    Construction of the first Portals and the Catapult
    Construction beginning/end

    Immidiatly after the designs were finished, the Old Empire began construction of the first set of portals and the catapult in a colossal construction undertaking, the likes of which the Relicta Galaxy never has seen before.

    More reading
    The Portals
  • -1505 BFOE

    Invasion of the Lost Galaxy
    Military action

    This year marked the Praethorian invasion of the Lost Galaxy and the beginning of a war, that would devestate this galaxy to an extreme degree.

  • -1415 BFOE

    Invasion of the Xandria Galaxy
    Military action

  • -1334 BFOE

    Invasion of the Sirconia Galaxy
    Military action

  • -1231 BFOE

    Invasion of the Milkyway
    Military action

  • -1153 BFOE

    Invasion of the Arsenia Galaxy
    Military action

  • -1078 BFOE

    Invasion of the Telendra Galaxy
    Military action

  • -998 BFOE

    Invasion of the Orinda Galaxy
    Military action

  • -993 BFOE

    -4 BFOE

    The beginning of the stagnation
    Political event

  • -4 BFOE

    The beginning of the decline
    Political event

  • 0 BFOE

    The fall of the Old Empire
    Era beginning/end

    At this day, a small Atorian special forces team did, what nobody thought could be done. They infiltrated the central Portalnetwork Control Hub on Praethon and destroyed it. This led to the deactivation of all Portals and the downfall of the Old Praethorian Empire.
