The island of éreli History of the southerners Timeline
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History of the southerners

The history of human settlements on the Island. The birth of orcs and goblins. The spreading of human influence and building of their strongholds. Making borders, coming of barbarians, all of it.

The settlers

... 675 AM

The settling of the southern shores and northern mountains by sea men.

  • 0 S

    Sails of south
    Era beginning/end

    The day men arrived on giant waves.

  • 2 S

    3 S


    First settlements

    Surviving stranded people slowly gathered themselves and went inland to seek a more suitable place to claim as their own.

  • 4 S

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    First safe haven
    Population Migration / Travel

    Most left the shore behind, leaving for the fishing colony, some remained lighiting signal fires.

  • 15 S

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    Encounter of the eastern settlers
    Discovery, Exploration

    Another group of survivors was discovered on the east bank the colony grew over these former mercanaries and provided food and aid

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    Leader's appointment
    Gathering / Conference

    The First spring after the new arrivals the colony desided it grew large enough to need a sense of leadership. So in the end two leaders were voted in. One from the west survivors and one from the easternbound survivors.

  • 16 S

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    The First Expedition to find habitable lands
    Discovery, Exploration

    An expedition was dispatched searching habitable land west and east of the river delta. Only the western expedition returned with ludicrous stories of Elves, Trolls and a Cursed forrest to the west, while discovering other peoples in Northern plains.

  • 19 S

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    Conflux Settlement

    A new settlement was founded by The Road at the Conflux in the north. They founded the settlement after leaving the rest behind arguing for leadership. The founder of the city was Carl the Clever and he also proclaimed himself the leader and Lord of the land.

  • 20 S


    The First Flood
    Disaster / Destruction

    A flood of enormous proportions destroyed the fishing colony in the delta.

  • 21 S


    The bridge construction
    Construction beginning/end

  • 22 S

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    Encountering plain barbarians
    Cultural event

    In the morning of April there was an alarm as one of the lookout towers saw riders on northern bank of the Mud river. Hostages were exchanged involuntarily to learn languages and make envoys.

  • 26 S

    Founding of the Exploration Guild

    Sons of Olaf the Brave founded the exploration guild, arguing for special priviledges for a share of their knowledge with the local lord

  • 56 S

    The first map from the exploration guild
    Discovery, Exploration

    30 years after founding the guild the grandmaster presented proudly the map of the southern lands to the lord Carlos

  • 150 S

    The river treaty
    Diplomatic action

    Because of mounting tension the Bank succesfully argued for the rights to the eastern lands in this treaty Lords of Waters recognised the Bank and it's own goverment as a vassal state free to expand to the East