The deep orcish bands Ethnicity in The Island of Éreli | World Anvil
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The deep orcish bands

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

The orcs usually don't refer to themselves by names they instead call each other brother or sister. Mostly just touch the one they are talkiong to or say you and point

Family names

There are no family name traditions. Most deep-orcs have only one name, only few are regarded by a specific deed, examples: Ham-theif, Child-eater, Stone-licker, Arrow-eye


Major language groups and dialects

They speak the comon tongue but do not use it often since they can mostly get by using only vowels and pointing so when they use common tongue it is fairly surprising and it seems like they are trying it for the first time.

Shared customary codes and values

The biggest authority falls onto the great mother. Which is chosen by the potency of her smell. Smell of rot is encouraged and found very intimidating.

Common Dress code

Naked at all times

Funerary and Memorial customs

Dead members of the hive are usually mercilessly devoured by the females.


Beauty Ideals

The beaty is in the smell for these creatures. The smellier the better most popular is to let some skin on their bodies openly rot. This provides the others with idea of how strong the individual is to withstand the disease. The smell is therefore used as a sign of status.

Gender Ideals

Male drones are scrawny and slim to fit the claustrophobic cave systems, but the females are the size of a grown man fat and with rotting skin flaps to add atractiveness.

Courtship Ideals

Drones upon presenting a piece of meat to the female may get the chance to mate her. If the mating resumes after she finnishes her meal however then the drone will risk a serious injury by the female or even death. They get fairly violent. Some drones present females with tendons of prey so they get more time since the tendon is likely to be hard to chew. But females are equiped with powerfull jaws and can devour even bones.

Relationship Ideals

The family bonds are even stronger than in humans on the surface. The group or hive is made of harem of breeding females with lots of drones guarding the colony.
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