Elves Ethnicity in The Island of Éreli | World Anvil
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Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Birch, Oak, Fern, Willow, Spruce, Pine, Ash, Cedar, Maple, Wallnut

Other names

Elves use brother or sister when adressing another elf.


Major language groups and dialects

All elves can speak only comon language.

Shared customary codes and values

The percentile of green tinge in the skin is a sign of status.

Average technological level

Elves do have blacksimths and are able to smelt iron and steel into weapons but prefer bows, arrows and guerilla tactics.

Common Etiquette rules

All bow to every adult, but none bow to masked children.

Art & Architecture

The living wood is part of elvish architecture. They bend tree branches and roots to create bridges, and support structures. Elves are minstrels and their lore is mostly verbaly. Elves use scrolls and animal hides to paint on but their painings are exceedingly rare.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Parents melt a copper masks from teir youth and smelt it into a new mask custom fo their child. The mask is then attahed to the face of the child.

Coming of Age Rites

The copper mask is removed in a ceremony.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The body is oiled with a pecial herbal oils, repelenting wild animals from the meat. The body is then guted and th internal organs are thrown out. The head is sewned to shoulders with silver silk, a sapling is then planted inside the corpse and letf outside.


Beauty Ideals

Green skin is ideal covering whole face, but spots are also encouraged.The percentage of grreen tinge in the face is proportional to the respect the elf is able to get in their society.
Related Items
Languages spoken

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