Phandalin Vehicle in The Infosphere | World Anvil
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  1. 600BG: The Phandalin was alleged to have crashed at this point, according to Technician logs. Countless prospectors and adventurers have searched for the lost myth, but none have been successful.

/*None succeeded until the Rockseeker brothers found the entrance a month before events began. Unfortunately, the Rockseekers did not realize they were being trailed by spies working for Nezznar, the Black Spider, and they inadvertently led the drow villain to their prize. Nezznar and his followers dealt with the two Rockseekers who were guarding their find, then arranged for Gundren's ambush. Learning of the adventurers' involvement with Gundren or their exploits in and around Falcon's Hollow, the Black Spider has given orders for the characters to be dealt with. Meanwhile, Nezznar has begun his exploration of Wave Echo Cave.*/

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