Composer Rank/Title in The Infosphere | World Anvil
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Composers are among the rarest of Devourer cultists, and the majority of cells have at most one composer. A composer is a kind of mad genius and doom prophet who endlessly contemplates how to spread maximum destruction. Unlike hidden ones, a composer never operates within the confines of normal society. Composers are obsessed zealots, spending every moment plotting even greater acts of destruction. Those cells with a composer often defer to whatever plan or need the composer expresses and may undertake minor missions to steal experimental weapons, kidnap scholars with ancient lore, or throw themselves against a planet’s defences just to see the response as the composer determines what information and resources are needed for a major operation.

Of all the Devourer cultists, composers are the ones most likely to attempt to write some sort of treatise or philosophic explanation of their devotion to the Devourer. Thus, despite their small numbers, they are often quite influential, inspiring entire sects of Devourer worship.
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Source of Authority
Composers have no official authority, and command respect and obedience only so long as other members of the cell remain convinced that their schemes are the best way to rain down destruction.
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