Ghost in The Harker Project | World Anvil
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Written by Kindar

He was nothing more than a shadow at the mouth of the alley, looking at the building on the other side, his visor the only part reflecting the light of the occasional headlights. If the rare nigh-time walker looked in this direction, all they'd notice was his silhouette, maybe catch that his long hair was dark gray and assume he was an old man, a vagrant, which so long as they didn't get close enough to note his body armor, was exactly what he wanted.   Information appeared through his visor, the height of the building, thirty-six feet, the composition of the facade, brick, and other various logistical items. the information was provided by the man who started speaking into his ear.   "The building used to be a brewery, back in the good old day; they went bankrupt in the eighties, and the building was turned into a coffee shop, that went under in a few years, became another clothing store. That failed, was an electronic store for a few months and then the entire area turned into a series of condemned buildings, which became the perfect breeding ground for the mob you're going after, as well as the place where you'll find the next loot drop in the quest chain we've been doing."
Owned characters in the story   Sanders, Patrick (Kindar)
Sander, Pamela (Kindar)
RIchard (Kindar)   Unclaimed characters in the story   Snake

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