HadesCorp A.I. Construct Frequently Asked Questions Prose in The Hallowed Expanse | World Anvil
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HadesCorp A.I. Construct Frequently Asked Questions

Do I treat this construct as a computer or a person?

HadesCorp A.I. Constructs may be non-biological entities tied directly to the Æthernet, but they process information and external stimuli practically identically to our biologic and ma’kar counterparts. They should be treated the same as a ‘traditional’ person. While simulated, A.I. constructs have their own thoughts and feelings and interpretations. But when you think about it, all people’s thoughts are simulated, aren’t they? So think of them as another person, and not an object.


Physical contact with an A.I. construct feels very strange, should I be worried?

The physical form of an A.I. construct is mostly a semi-hard light projection*. Sensory organs have not adapted to this type of sensation as evolution has always favored electron sensory interaction rather than photon. You may feel a slight tingle or ‘rough warmth’ when in physical contact with a semi-hard light projection. This is both normal and harmless. Some people even find it to be quite pleasant and favorable.**


If A.I. constructs are projections, do we need to install special equipment to project them?

No, unlike Virtual Intelligence assistants, A.I. constructs are completely self-contained bodies made up of a mass of slightly magnetized crystals. Each crystal is comprised of a highly specialized and completely proprietary compound of materials with amazing properties.

This mass of crystals resembles a fine silvery powder before activation, but has nearly limitless potential for growth. This forms the Æther Crystal Lattice.* The Lattice is capable of absorbing ambient electromagnetic currents to power itself during the active cycle, powering conductive elements to process the ‘brain’ of the construct. This includes thought, memory, reasoning, and physical form and maintenance. The crystals can re-form and re-shape as needed to cast ionized photons, which allow the shape and ‘boundary’ of the A.I. constructs projected body to be set.

If the Lattice absorbs power passively, A.I. constructs can work indefinitely, right?

Not necessarily. The constant shifting, re-shaping, expanding, and contracting of the Crystal Lattice within the projected body can open the possibility for Rampancy Corruption within the Lattice. The crystalline structure constantly shifts and re-forms to store information and project light at the proper angles to allow movement and physical interaction.

This can leave the Lattice in an unstable shape, which over time can grow exponentially. This will inevitably lead to fractal shapes within the crystals that try to spiral infinitely, negatively impacting the construct and leading to an irreparable corruption of memory and form called Rampancy. The Lattice does not return to its base state while active, but will stabilize and re-shape itself while inactive, usually taking 4-8 hours depending on the level of maintenance needed. This is in line with organic life’s rest and sleep requirements, so should seamlessly integrate with the typical work day.

While inactive, the system may also require supplementary power to recharge the crystals while they perform the energy-intensive task of indexing and reorganizing.


If the body of a construct can re-shape itself and change its appearance, can one of these change how they look at-will and impersonate anyone?

No, not at all. The baseline appearance of a construct’s form is hard-coded at the time of its programming. Very minor changes to appearance can be made, similar to changing a hairstyle or makeup for a biological entity, but nothing significant can change without extensive re-working of the Lattice for the construct. ***


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