Wyverns Species in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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Wyverns are the most infamous predators in all the lands of drakenelm, for their reach goes as far as the densest forests to the open plains of the savannah. They are powerful predators, with the males able to shatter the bone of its prey and tear flesh from bone with its powerful and sharp teeth. Even the females are dangerous, for what they lack in size, they make up for their intelligence and ability to ambush their prey with efficient murder. All races know of the Wyvern, and are right to fear its power, regardless of it state, because one wrong move will give it a new meal to feast upon.

Basic Information


Wyvern's are large winged reptiles, with one set of wings on their torso, with thick legs at the bottom it, which then leads into a long tail. On top of the torso is the neck, which the length depends on the type of wyvern, but both ends with a large lizard like head who's mouth is filled with razors sharp layers of teeth for tearing flesh. Males and females have differing coloring, while female tend to be a dull gray color, males tend to be more colorful, especially on their wings which they use to intimidate other wyverns from their territory or during the mating season. The wings of the animals are also large, around twice longer than their length, males average about 12 meters while females average around 8. This is what allows them to drift for very long periods of times, and to more actively hunt their prey.

Genetics and Reproduction

At the end of every two years, in the cold months, wyverns gather together to mate in mountain areas within the savannah, where they form massive groups to mate with a partner and lay their eggs. Females are competed over by the males, and the winners of the bouts gain a territory of females that it then fertilizes the eggs of. Male bouts tend to be less physical dominance and more about intimidation by spreading their wings and roaring at each other, until one relents and leaves. Very rarely this doesn't happen, which then causes a brutal battle that tears flesh and breaks bone, a the two males fight each other with brutal viciousness, with the first to run away declared the loser.   The children are then taken care of by the mother who carries them to her original hunting ground on her back, where they raise them for about 3-5 children, which the mother then forces out after 2 years

Growth Rate & Stages

Eggs take 6 months to develop and then hatch, beginning very small and unable to fly, but then quickly grow and are taught by their mothers how to fly, and then finally reach their physical maturity at about 4 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Wyvern have a very large range, being found in all areas of the world, coming into contact with both wildlife and local sentient beings and being a terror regardless of where they are, since they a savage and terrifying predators that eat whatever they get their sharp fangs on.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The diet of wyverns consist primarily of meat and some plants. Males and females hunt in two very different ways. Females, due to being smaller, have a longer neck which they use to ambush prey rather than take them head on, going straight for a target's weak spot. Even if it doesn't succeed, it can easily fly away due to being smaller than males. Males however, due to their large size, have a more head on approach. Their favorite tactic is to identify a target in the open, swoop in and lift it up with its momentum, and then swing it into something hard to kill it instantly. If that fails however, it is forced to land due to its size, but is still very dangerous to fight and can usually hold its own.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Wyverns have very thick skin which can make good armor, and its quite common for rare items to have some sort of material from wyverns such as their teeth, otherwise wyvern meat is a very rare delicacy Rarely, VERY rarely, a person is able to steal a wyvern egg. This the majority of the time does not end well for the person who does it, as in they usually end up as blood on the ground. But sometimes it does work, and thats when the wyvern is born and automatically sees that person as their mother, which as time goes on lets the person tame the wyvern into a mighty stead. This of course is still dangerous, since wyvern's aren't exactly safe to have in cities for example.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The wyvern's best sense depends on which of the genders it is   Female long neck wyverns use their sense of hearing to detect when a prey is getting closer when they lie in ambush, while male short necks use their eye sight and sense of smell to find prey.
Scientific Name
Draconis Wyvernis
50 years
Average Weight
Male: 560 kg Female: 200 kg
Average Length
Male: 6 meters Female: 4 meters

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Cover image: by William O'Connor Studios


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Dec 28, 2019 23:54

50 years is pretty short, I thought non human creatures would have a way longer lifespan hmMMMMmmmMMm not questioning, I love your articles, sweetie <3

Dec 29, 2019 11:03 by Mr Norberg

it sounds weird, but if we take dinosaurs for example, they didn't live for very long. T-rexes were estimated to only live for about 30 years lol, love you toooo