The Wild Glade Settlement in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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The Wild Glade

The magical city of the Glade, spoken among the people as one of the most beautiful cities to ever grace the world with its natural splendor. Few can argue against it, for the city has beautiful glowing lights both day and night, with its smooth architecture of its buildings nearly seeming to be a part of the forest itself and within it's biggest trees, as if it was a natural wonder. It is a city of fantastic smells and sights, with beautiful flowers and the perfumes extracted from them decorating the insides of the buildings. Its people are relaxed and intelligent, many working jobs in creating potions or other magical things, with harvesters gathering and selling the herbs and flowers they find in the calm forests of Truivia.


Many woodland people call themselves home within the city of the glade, with a large population of firbolg and elves living within the heart of the city, with most of them being honest working people. About 50% of the population is firbolg, 40% are draken, and 10% are elves


The druids help all the management aspects of the city as they help plan new buildings, resolve disputes and other such things. Bigger cases are taken to the druid council where something can be presented to all of them and debated upon until a conclusion and solution is reached.


The defenses of the Glade are simple and relaxed, with simple stone barriers with the trees close by having watch towers that have lazy guards watching over. The city or even the forest has never been under any threat, so there has never been worry for attack, and due to its position and the surrounding area, it would be tough to attack in the first place.

Industry & Trade

The city has a large industry of potion creation, which is managed by various druids in charge of the business. Most people work within the business, from those that help gather the resources, those that ground them into power, those that mix them, and so on. The other industries that exist tend to be much smaller in scale, with individual blacksmitsh rather than whole groups of them.


Infrastructure is simple but pleasant within the glade, for their footpaths have pleasant plants and other such things next to them, making any walk a calming and pleasing experience, with most people walking barefoot around with the soft soil being a comfortable cushion for those who travel within.

Guilds and Factions

The main factions within the city is that of the select few druids that specifically own parts of the potion creation business and help regulate it, along with competing with the other druids. They all follow the rules of council which has set health and safety rules for the workers along with the quality of the potions.
Alternative Name(s)
Druid Home, The Glade
Owning Organization

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