Maltus Settlement in The Golden Frontier | World Anvil
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The great city at the heart of the Drubian empire, and perhaps the most beautiful city to ever grace the land of the continent. It is a city of commerce, of exotic trade, of strong industry, and of rich merchants. It's beauty can be found in many ways, from its pristine statues, to its gorgeous arches and other buildings. For it is not only a city of business, but also of pleasure of the senses. It is a city that has many patrons of artists who commission beautiful works, poems, statues, art, and other such things. There are few places to ever exist that has the same wealth of Maltus, for its people's pockets are filled with coin, and it's merchants and nobles spend extravagantly, as one can see from their wonderous art, and exotic pets.


The city is incredibly diverse, having become a hub for both the rich who seek to live within its beautiful walls, or the poor who seek work, and as such has a large variety of people. The largest race is of course the metallics at about 75% of the population, with those in second being Daerlman and Dalvarians, who each make about 7.5% of the population. The final 10% is hugely varied, from the giant stoneborn, to the bold urkur, and to the stubby halflings.


Maltus is dominated by the noble house of the very same name, who, with their vast family, control the majority of operations within the city; from industry to law enforcement. Due to this also being the seat of power in the Drubian empire, this means that gatherings of nobles are conducted here, and Doudra calls his home in its walls.


The defences of Maltus is top of the line and modern, with thick and strong walls reaching eight meters up into the sky, with towers for archers and ballista to rain down death upon any enemy. The soldiers that patrol and defend the city are well trained and well equipped, travelling around the city to ensure its citizens safety and happiness, with many of them even being mercenaries.

Industry & Trade

A lot of things are produced within Maltus, from shiny jewelry, to sharp blades, to marble statues, all things of all types can be found here. Most of the people living within work jobs as artisans or any type of job related to it, with other jobs such as creating that of alcohol and other luxury items.


Infrastructure within the city is top of the line, with perfectly flat paved roads that are borderline pleasant to walk on, with an efficient sewage system that helps ensure the health of the locals, along with a multitude of courtyards where one can find those trying to find business or sell their goods. It has river passing through it as well, which further aids it in its trade to the north western part of the continent.

Guilds and Factions

While the Maltus family remains top dog within the city, the workers are still properly represented through various guilds that help ensure not only fairness but also ensure the welfare of those who work within the guilds, even having systems to support those who are having difficulty to find business, along with having rules and regulations everyone must follow.
Inhabitant Demonym

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Cover image: by Penemenn


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