Waasi Species in THE GOBLE REALM | World Anvil
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Waasi (waa-zee)

Did that teapot just move?

Agh! There, see?! It just moved again!
  Those who reside in quiet places always memorize a rule: What is the last time you check a vase or a metal box in your house?
If they seem a bit misplaced than before, then a high chance you're having a pal living rent-free in your house. Waasi, not harmful like other ghosts - even somewhat useless, still can be an unwanted guest for the householder.  

Distribution & Habitat

These spirits could appear everywhere, as long as there is stuff for them to haunt. But Waasi has a distinct style of life, they're shy and hate noisiness, living in solitude and prefer people to leave them alone. And where is better than abandoned buildings, your basement and an old peaceful bookshop that no kid wander around?


Waasi often manifests as a sphere with flowing folds like a skirt under their body - similar to a jellyfish. Some varieties have a pair of stringy "arms" hanging out, although no one knows if they can use them. Waasi has a faint color, nearly translucent, and two hazy orbs are their eyes. No other facial feature is spotted.
While on other occasions, these spirit appears in a ghosty orb.


Being a type of ghost, not surprising to say Waasi owns all the traits a ghost would have - leap through wall, invisibility, agelessness, spook people, you name it. However, they are much more interesting than that, as Waasi can't possess people, yet possess your whole house.  

Your pot? Mine

I. The most unique characteristic of Waasi. They're fragile when bare outside of the environment, hence why they always try to find stuff to possess and take absolute control over it - usually small interiors like flower pots, dishes, vases and lamps. Another reason is to feed off the "energy" from that thing, as the manalist Ruffman Iawosk stated: "Everything exists, organic or inorganic, all having a flow of "energy" and mana inside them." And like other spiritual entities, Waasi will cease if starve that "energy", but their power is too weak to drain it directly from a living being, so taking it from an object is the easier way.

And give it back? Meh

II. Because of the benefits it can get from possessing things, this behavior is almost like a coded program for a Waasi. The first thing they will do is occupy an object and live in it until there is no "energy" left, as well as be very aggressive when someone violates their space and asset.

Alter this, alter that!

III. Objects possessed by Waasi will eventually wither away in no time due to their "energy" vanishing sooner. Also, Waasi can alter the nature, appearance and how that object works - making fire in the lamp dancing, a sword hard like a shield, or dishes floating in the air. Although these abnormalities are temporary and will disappear once the Waasi get out.

Magical aura

Normally, it is nearly impossible to distinguish a normal object from a haunted object. But lucky you, you can use some magic detector methods to find them, or to concentrate enough to feel a cold aura around the object.
Or, punch to see if it gives off a squeak. Just say that, not recommend.

Shared soul

The love for their asset makes them share their health with it. If you damage the possessed object, that Waasi will hurt too.

Annoying pranksters

This is why one of their nicknames is Fleets, these spirits sometimes like to prank living people and dash away, hide and wait for the next moment.
— someone who just got hit by a flying plate, a flower pot, a chain of keys, and a bottle of expensive medicine

Origin & History

The soonest record of Waasi lies in the beast encyclopedia of Mano Moromao "Upon the Clouds, Down the Earth II", written in 2098 BR. The book depicts Waasies as the soul who died but doesn't want to forget their mortal life, so now they haunt familiar objects of mortal life to forever keep the memories. And ancient Seikaijin then called them "Tankyuugu", which means "faint orb"/"ghosty orb".   Beside that, no one know nothing more about their origin, what are they, and do Waasi is just another creation of Ao.

Uses & Significances



These fleeting creatures seem to be more annoying than good for the householders. But a great mind always found capacities in everything! Upon death, the Waasi have a chance to leak out a rare liquid that floats above the ground - scientists still not research this substance. But if you're lucky enough to obtain it, use it for brewing, powering magical artifacts, and also a component for some greater spells and rituals.   Despite their mischievous personality, there is no fatality caused by Waasi. They're like the spirit of children, naughty and harmless, and only attack when provoked. This is why you can keep one or many in your house as friends. And if you have a good relationship with them, they can even help you to do the chorus.  

Significances in Culture

Waasi appears many in Seikaiji mythology. They're the familiar characters in Seikaijins poems, stories and children's lullabies. The Parade of Full Moon Night - a festival to greet youkais, also has Waasi.   In some places, people called them Foto, which is an acronym for Friend of the Olds. Due to how almost every lonely elder has at least one Waasi living in their house, become their buddy in old age. Some folklore even said that Waasies are the dead elders who once lived in the house, and soon, another member will be in the family of fleeting spirits, watching over their home.
Waasi icon by Milkwoss
Scientific name
Exspiravit Celarea
Alternative names
Fleets, Keepers, Orb spirit, Small Guardians
"Waasi" meaning "Peek-a-boo" in Seikaijin.
Conservation status
Geography distribution
Quiet places, abandoned buildings
Exorcists (?)
Average length
Body: 16cm ~ 17cm
Body + arms: 24cm ~ 27cm
Average weight

Unlike other ones

No studies show the true threat of the Orb Spirit. Because everyone, even physical beings, can directly attack Waasi. This is really strange despite they are ghosts and spirits. And also because of that, scientists are struggling to find out if Waasi is really a ghost, if not, then how do they reproduce and distribute all over the world? But catching one is exhausting enough.   Perhaps in the future, monster taxonomists will reclassify Waasi into Ordinary Monsters group.

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All uncredited images have Common Creative.

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