Seikaiji Organization in THE GOBLE REALM | World Anvil
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❝The sight of imposing Mount Aohoshi cover the whole horizon beyond. As you print your foot on fertile soil, your identity is now forever inscribed into the history of this land even time blur it. You look up, the flickering embers fluttering on the sky, like thousand of azure stars in the night. Welcome to Seikaiji - the Land of Fantasy, Azure Kingdom, Empire of Ink.❞
— excerpt from Surmach Guides: Seikaiji
  Seikaiji ("青灰地" or "青灰の国", both meaning "Land of blue ashes"), is an island country in the Northwest of Sumarch. Once a territory of primordial goddess Ao, now here is the home of humans and monsters who they called "youkai". Well known for its supplies of exotic goods and developed ink industry.  


Seikaijin's main territory is separate from the mainland. Since the Blood Petal War, it had expanded into a huge island that lies in the northwest of Sumarch with a part of the land in the North Sumarch - which formerly own by Orlrolux. Border with Orlrolux and northern Corallis.   The terrain is mountainous. At the center, surrounded by the Aohoshi range and Gonhi range is a flat valley of low grass.   The nation is divided into three regions: the Northern with Mount Gonhi as the border, the Southern with Mount Aohoshi as the border, and the Central in between. Because the Silzt wind blows past the southern and gets blocked by Mount Aohoshi, Seikaji's temperature is warmer and more comfortable when going to the North.  

The Northern - Uncharted Land of Youkai

An untamed wilderness, covered by a vast forest that they called the Forest of Lost. Most residents here live along coastline towns with wooden walls, while those who reside in rural places need self-defense from the bloodthirsty youkai out there.  

    Areas & Landmarks

  • Mount Gonhi - Second highest mountain in Seikaiji. Its concave peak fits perfectly with the sunset scene, creating an illusion of a mountain catching (some writings describe it as eating) the Sun, hence its name.
  • Rakuonna village - A fishing village famous for the large exportation of seafood and tales of brave youkai-slayers.
  • Forest of Lost - Range from the foot of Mount Gonhi to the southern coastline. This abnormally large forest doesn't greet any visitor, and lost in here means lost in the lair of youkai.
  • Chobihime bamboo forest - A bamboo forest lay somewhere in the Forest of Lost. Associated with a famous Seikaijin folklore.

The Center - Hidden Pearl Amidst Wilderness

Lies between two mountain ranges like a cared baby in a crib, the central land had been protected from invaders for hundreds of years. Unlike other regions, humans and youkai here are coexisting without knowing.  

    Areas & Landmarks

  • Shutano capital - Built on the "draconic leyline" of Seikaiji, Shutano has grown in a swift under the protection of mountain and forests. Now the city became the heart of this nation, and you can sight its grand castles from afar.
  • Bashinri the Town of Demons - Not so far away from Shutano capital, under Mount Gonhi's foot, a self-established village of youkai and monsters is thriving without much concern for the human world outside.
  • Dark forest - A forest in the Southeast snake along Mount Aohoshi. Hide Bashinri town out of human view.
  • Shutano meadow - Large grassland where Shutano capital lies.

The Southern - Imperishable Act of Light

Rich in natural resources like wood, gems, and mineral, as well as access to many trading paths of Sumarch's merchant network. But suffer the most from the abnormalities of Mount Aohoshi.  

    Areas & Landmarks

  • Watatsuki town - A bustling town on the Mizuki coastline.
  • Thunder God Shrine - For worshipping Zaoju no Daikami - Kakuto's chief deity, as well the god of thunder and ocean. Each year hundred of people visit this beautiful seaside shrine.
  • Aohoshi Shrine - A large shrine built on the same moutain it named after, although none know who constructed it or how long it has been there. Normally it's very secluded - somewhat abandoned, due to the extreme location of it. But on New Year and other grand occasions, people will hike way up to the shrine for praying and clean their soul by the sunrise, they believes all Kakuto deities reside here.

Mount Aohoshi

The highest volcano in Sumarch. This dormant volcano is an important religious area and holds a lot of cultural significance for the Seikaijin. Countless tales and myths were born from this place.   Goddess Ao once lived on the peak for unknown eons - her power imbue to the rock, resulting in magical phenomenons happening frequently from the mountain. Azure Stars - an arcane phenomenon when a blue-glowing ash cloud rises from the top of Aohoshi, has become an image for this country despite it causes many difficulties for local lives.  
Ah, yes, the Azure Stars. Is it beautiful? Yes, I love when people gather to watch thousands of blue embers flying in the sky, a memorizing act of light I said. But it affects our life too much. Everytime the Azure Stars happen, ash and dust cover the town, rooftops and such. And yes, asthma and respiratory conditions are just a matter of time. I hope majesty Ao knows her artwork could be so harmful like this.
— a folk of Watatsuki






Alternative names
Seikai no kuni, Land of Fantasy, Azure Kingdom, Cinderland (racist slang)
Northwest Sumarch

Government type(s)
Current leader(s)
Ataki Clan
Former leader(s)
Military rank
Training level

Genesism, Paidism, Kakuto
Ao & other Primordials, Kakuto deities, Seikaijin's youkais

National animal
Nuero (Highland fox)
National plant
Mount Aohoshi, youkai, poem

Related Informations

Character | Dec 23, 2022

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