Writ of Passage Document in The Gates | World Anvil
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Writ of Passage

The Writ of Passage is a document created by Tympi's Court as a sign of trust to an individual or group. Those that possess a Writ of Passage are capable of entering or leaving The Hidden Village of Mothlights without assistance from another Mothling or Croak.   The Spiritual Travelers obtained their Writ of Passage on Nurend 30, 308 after they finished recovering and completing any personal tasks during their downtime.   The Writ of Passage cannot help someone go somewhere they have never been before. It can only allow someone access to the Mothlight Village or to exit from any Mothlight Tree they have previously discovered.   It is written on a leaf taken from the original Mothlight Tree, the same mothlight tree which Tympi's House is built into.

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