The Light Organization in The Gates | World Anvil
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The Light

The Light is a strange, mostly unknown, religion recently heard of by the Spiritual Travelers on Daulok 22, 308.   So far, most of what is known about this religion has come from the salvager, Jeremiah, as he helped the Spiritual Travelers get to the Lost Oasis on his cart. He explained that the Light can be painful, especially for those that seek to understand it, but that it is still a joyful thing.   "Higher Purpose? We got-we got this light thing? It's crazy. We aren't supposed to go near it, but somethimes The King will put on his hat and say, 'The light has appeared once again! We must go see what the hell that thing is!' and sometimes people go out, look at the light, and they'll come back. Usually they're just hurt, but we really like that light. We just call it 'The Mysterious Light'."
Apparently the King is very keen on learning what the Light is. As Jeremiah put it, "We gotta know what the Light is, then we'll all be happy. If you can prove what the light is for sure, not what you think it is, then you'll get a big reward. Life is supposed to be better when you know what the Light is."   Beyond these comments, the Light is still shrouded in Mystery for the Spiritual Travelers. Kaswink, however, suspects it is just Ar'en'el.


The Church of Light
  There was a Church of Light in The Lost Oasis.   This church had stained glass windows arranged so that there was a central window behind the preacher. This central window depicted the sun. On the walls on either side were more stained glass windows. Closest to the sun were a pair of moons mirroring each other, then, next to the moons, were a pair of stars. Closest to the entrance were a pair of orbs with intricate, swirling and looping designs inside them. These orbs were emitting an intense light, lightning was arcing around them, and they were strangely hard to look at despite just being glass.   It wasn't an incredibly wealthy establishment aside from the stained glass, it seemed like any other sand-damaged building in town. No massive gold statues or any statues at all really. Very simple, mostly just a meeting place for people to pray or learn of The Light.   The priest of this church was a brown/black/white tiger beetle with a similar half-cape as the King though without the accompanying sash or waste covering. He had a big churchy mitre and carried an intricate staff.


Prayer of Light
  Praise our Lord, the Light which exists within all things
From the Light comes all life, the water, ground and song
Within this Light we are held, its grasp armless yet long
It resides within the corpses, waste and fields we need
When death comes, the Light lends us a silent procession
Our lives given meaning, purpose, yet free from obsession   Joy is the Light, let its warmth be all we know
For we are the Light, and the Light is all
In knowing ourselves we may come to know the Light
In our life we grow to know the world and the joy it brings
In our death we join the world, our ends mark a new beginning
Yet we will forever ponder the nature of the Light
Pilgrim Prayer - for Those Traveling to the Orb of Light
  Please let me approach You, it is a simple request
I only wish to see You, touch You and feel Your warmth
Let me get closer, closer to the Light
And let me know You, know You and Your might
Evening Prayer
  And as the sun sets we bow and pray
To the rays of Light we won’t see until the day
That they might grace us once more with warmth and meaning
That they would wake us and guide us
That we may have one more chance to know
And that we will have more time to grow.
  May the Light guide you!   May your path always be illuminated.
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