Shadow Vines Species in The Gates | World Anvil
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Shadow Vines

Shadow Vines are a type of plant which can be found growing in Nature throughout The Gates. There are some incredibly rare Shadow Vines in Taranel as well, but they are usually only ever known of by whoever has managed to locate and grow them due to their shrouded nature.   They were first seen by Namina between Nurend 19-30th, 308 while she was exploring the underwater tunnels.

Basic Information


Shadow Vines, as the name suggests, are vines that seem to be made of shadows. What they are actually made of has yet to be observed since they can only live in complete darkness. If they are exposed to light in anyway they shrivel up, die and disappear incredibly quickly.   Because of this, harvesting them is quite tricky. They have to be found by touch alone and carefully collected in a container that is completely light-proof.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Shadow Vines can be used to either create a unique poison or enhance any poison they are added to. Using them in this way does require one to have a method of generating and working in complete darkness. This makes it rather tricky to use as one could easily end up damaging their existing poison or the vines themselves if they're not careful in the absence of light.   These plants can also be used in talisman construction, particularly in the talisman that Namina learned of which is capable of protecting against The Unblinking Sein.   Due to their delicate nature, these vines are usually kept in protective and marked areas by those that frequently use them. If one is capable of transplanting the vines to such an area, it is encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity.
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