Pranks! Item in The Gates | World Anvil
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Pranks!™ is a card game found in The Spirit World, particularly in the Dorchar game store, Star Curtain Gaming.   It is a reaction heavy card game with phase-based turns including time to plan, setup and enact pranks as the game goes on. Players can work together to take down a “Mortal Deck” or play against each other to see who can out-prank who. The "Mortal Deck" is not meant to have a controller and is instead just a set of cards that are turned over with each passing round. The "Prank Decks" are collections of cards themed around different fae with cards that match the methods and personality involved.   The "Equipment Deck" is a community set of cards with different gear that can be used by anyone should they be the first to draw it. When working together this gear can be shared, but when working against each other it is something to be hoarded and utilized to craft a mechanism to outprank your friends. There is also a "Knowledge Deck" which contains valuable information that can be traded for other players' cards or used to better take down the Mortal or other enemies.
When opening the box of Pranks!™, the Spiritual Travelers discovered a folded up piece of paper with a lot of rules!   Contents



Basic Rules

  At the start of the game each player has 10 Health which is representative of their willingness to continue being pranked or pranking others. A player loses when they have expended all 5 of their health. The game can end prematurely if the Knowledge deck is depleted, at which point a winner is determined by comparing remaining health, accumulated knowledge and pranks. For example, a player with 3 health remaining and one successful prank performed would lose to another player with 1 health remaining and two successful pranks performed. Despite having more health they do have less successful pranks. In the event of a tie between health and pranks, a winner is determined by comparing accumulated Knowledge cards.   Each player should begin the game by selecting one of the included decks: Hags, Eadarling, Mothling, Goblin, Sandscales, or L'iump'dorae. Players should then decide if they would like to work together to take down one or more Mortal Decks, play as different teams working to take down one or more Mortal Decks, play against each other in a free-for-all while working to prank one or more Mortal Decks, or play without Mortal Decks and only work to prank each other.   After determining who is playing what and what game mode you will be engaged in, players should then determine teams if necessary and proceed to shuffling the appropriate decks. You may also choose to optionally cut your opponents' deck(s) if you wish. The Equipment and Knowledge Decks should also be shuffled at this time along with the Mortal Deck(s) if any of those are being used.   After everything is set up, the game can begin. We recommend "rolling off" to determine the first turn. This can be accomplished with any die or number of dice and is as simple as rolling and comparing for the highest number. You can also find other fun ways to determine who goes first, the important thing is to have fun! After the first turn is determined all players should draw 5 cards and the game begins.
  Each player has a pool of energy called Trickery which can be spent on Planning cards. A point of trickery is gained each turn during the Start Phase, however, more energy can be added through certain cards.   Some cards, be they Machinations, Planning, Equipment or even Knowledge can help gain more Trickery. This Trickery could be temporary and last only until the end of your turn, or it could be a permanent addition to your ever-increasing pool of cataclismic fun!   For example, the Equipment Card Crow Feet can add two points of Trickery for you to use until the end of your turn if it is burned (this just places it at the bottom of the Equipment Deck), this Trickery can then be expended on Planning cards, but if it isn't used by the end of your turn it's gone!   Alternatively, the Machination Card All in Due Time adds two points of Trickery to your available Trickery which persists until the Machination is turned over to reveal its Hidden Agenda, the bonus Trickery is reduced to one and the player that flipped it over gets to draw a Knowledge and an Equipment card! Though, revealing this Hidden Agenda requires several turns of the Machination being in play before it can be flipped.
  Throughout the game of Pranks!™, there are many different ways that you can Prank!™ your opponent. These different prank types involve different layers of complexity which can lead to more successful pranks against the Mortal or your Fae Friends! Depending on the Mortal or the Fae you're up against they might have defenses against different types of Pranks!   Each Knowledge Card you have about a race of Fae or a Mortal can also help your Pranks be more successful. It's easier to manipulate someone when you know about them, both mentally and physically.   Prank Roll - When executing any Prank, the Attacker will roll 1D6 as the base. This is without any Knowledge or Complexity, just a simple prank. The Defender will always have a chance of avoiding the prank through dumb luck or incidental knowledge and has the opportunity to defend with a 1D6 as well. This is without any preparations or Knowledge involved.   Each Knowledge Card you have on the Defender adds 1D6 to the roll, additionally, each Knowledge Card the Defender has on the Attacker also adds a 1D6 to their own roll.   Other cards can also improve pranks or improve defenses against them. For a Prank Roll, the Attacker and Defender roll their accumulated D6s and compare the amounts rolled with ties going to the defender. Each die rolled by the Attacker that is higher than a die rolled by the Defender counts as one point of damage.   For Example: The Attacker has set up a Complex Prank and has Knowledge about the Mortal. They roll 3D6 and get a 1, 3 and 4. The Defender has somehow accumulated some Knowledge about this Prankster and has bolstered some defenses. They roll 3D6 as well and get 2, 2 and 4. The Defender would take 1 Point of damage.   Mechanical Pranks - Mechanical Pranks are any attempted prank using physical means. Digging a hole in the ground is just as much a mechanical prank as a giant machine. Mechanical Pranks can come in different levels of complexity from Simple to Intricate.   Mental Pranks - Mental Pranks are any attempted prank using mental manipulation or magic. Using magic to create illusions that lead the Mortal or a Fae Friend astray or using Knowledge to manipulate the target are examples of this type of prank. They can also be very simple or incredibly intricate.   Simple Pranks - Simple Pranks have at least one component. This could come in any form from a Shovel digging a pit to creating a simple illusion or even using a single piece of Knowledge. Simple Pranks are often times single use.   Complex Pranks - Complex Pranks have at least three components. This could involve taking time to enchant a Strange Black Cube to show the Mortal visions of their dead ancestors showing disappointment in them or even using different pieces of Knowledge and Machinations and Planning to make a rather poor trade. When Complex Pranks are involved they have an additional +2d6 to the Prank Roll. Complex Pranks could be single use or stick around to be used again on future turns depending on what the prank is.   Intricate Pranks - Intricate PRanks have at least five components. This could involve taking time to combine different magical components like a Sphere of Infinite Knowledge with a Haunted Journal and some cardboard and flashlights to make some overly complicated display that drives the Mortal insane or it could be putting a bunch of mechanical pieces together to create an impressive construct. Intricate Pranks add +3d6 to the Prank Roll and, like Complex Pranks, can often be re-used on future turns or just one-time pranks that need reassembly depending on the prank.  

Types of Cards

  Equipment cards come in many different forms and they are only available from the Equipment Deck! These cards are all pieces of a potential prank or tools to help get Knowledge to pull off an even better prank. While some pranks might require equipment to pull off, and equipment is a GREAT way to prank those mortals, it isn't always necessary. Remember to consider your own playstyle and the playstyle of the Fae Deck you're currently using. It might be better to use some form of mental manipulation or sorcery, and while Equipment can help with both of those things at times, it could be just as fun to stick to knowledge or just your Fae Deck.   Examples of equipment include Relics that could be fonts of knowledge or trickery like strange ancient cubes or books. They could be shovels to help dig a hole which could lead to other traps or be as simple as a hole to slow down the advances of enemies or mortals. They could be pieces to an impressive mechanical construct like the devastating AutoPranker-10,000! Assembling a machine like that to prank your enemies could be devastating, but the set-up time might prove detrimental to most player's ideas of fun or their plans in general. Equipment could also involve something magical like a wand or staff that can help channel your unusual brand of debauchery.   If equipment is burned, broken, or otherwise used up it gets put back on the bottom of the equipment pile as it could be dug back up to be used again.   So, whether it is simplistic or convoluted, most pranks might require a bit of equipment to get there, but it isn't always necessary.  
  Knowledge cards usually have information about the other Fae or the Mortals if they are involved. They have many uses including as leverage when trading for equipment and other cards.   When Knowledge involves another Fae player in the group it could be used, as mentioned, during trades or it could be used to learn about their schemes. By leveraging knowledge you could offer it up in exchange to see their hand, which is just another type of knowledge, or it could be used to sway them to focus on another player like blackmail. Manipulating other players with knowledge about them is a great way to advance in the game, though it often comes at a cost of being seen negatively later on as the effects of this knowledge begin to fade.   When Knowledge involves a Mortal, it could be used to prank them more easily by luring them into traps both mentally and physically. Knowledge regarding a mortal could be discarded into the Knowledge Discard Pile to fetch a piece of equipment from their deck that can be used against them as well. This Mortal Knowledge could also be further utilized as leverage in trades to get better items from your oponents that might be closer to pranking this mortal. Though, you probably have some hidden Machination that might stop their prank in the end!  
  Machinations are found in Fae Decks and can take two different forms: Face Value, which is visible to all players and Hidden Agenda, which is only known by the Fae that is currently controlling said Machination.   The Face Value side of a card will usually just show the details of the Machination along with any bonuses that are included. Certain Machinations might help a player draw more cards from their Fae deck, help them draw free Equipment when a certain event transpires, help them gain more Knowledge more frequently, give bonuses during trades, and more! They all have names which are related to their particular bonus such as Persistent Blackmailer which treats all trades with a random player as though you had knowledge about them.   The Hidden Agenda side of a Machination will usually have some special effect that triggers when it is flipped over along with a different bonus or no bonus at all. Certain powerful machinations will lose all bonuses after being flipped as the special effect that is unleashed is quite potent, others will maintain the original effect while performing some much smaller act. Most Hidden Agendas can be revealed at any time, however, some require a specific trigger to occur before they can be turned over. For example, the Persistent Blackmailer Machination, when flipped over, shows the Hidden Agenda to be that a presented trade MUST be accepted, however, the bonus of easier trades is lost. For this card in particular, a negative effect is also present for the next three trades attempted where they are MORE difficult with all players.   Be careful juggling your Machinations! Sometimes it is better to lose that static bonus in order to stop your oponents' pranks completely, and sometimes it is better to wait until more pressing matters come up.  
  The last type of cards to be discussed in this rulebook are Planning cards. These cards have the largest variety of uses and can do just about anything! They cost Trickery to use, however, and the effects are not usually permanent like Machinations. Instead of being placed on the table, Planning cards are cycled back to the bottom of the Fae Deck to be drawn again on some future turn.   Planning cards are capable of helping a player draw more cards from the Fae, Equipment or Knowledge decks, forcing oponents to discard from their hand, removing Machinations from the table (removed Machinations are placed at the bottom of the appropriate Fae Deck), and more! Their abilities are listed on the card and often cost an amount of Trickery which is also listed.   For example, the card 'Fraid Not! is a Planning Card which costs 2 points of Trickery and prevents yourself or any Mortal Deck from being affected by a prank that is activating that turn. It doesn't completely remove the prank from the board, and it can be tried again the next turn, but it does buy you some time. Managing Trickery to always have an amount left over for such a card is an important thing to master in Pranks!™.


  Each turn is broken down into different phases: Start, Draw, Trade, Scheme, and Prank! While a player may or may not do something in ever phase on every turn, depending on how far into the game you are there may be times where nothing happens or everything happens. Sometimes waiting and biding your time is just as good a strategy as unleashing everything at once or slowly introducing different pieces every turn. The important thing is to find the way that YOU like to play and have FUN with it.  
  Each turn begins with the Start...of that turn. Well, gotta start somewhere, I guess. The Start Phase is simple enough, not much happens here besides gaining one point of Trickery each turn. These Trickery points accumulate as each turn passes and are spent on Planning cards to help set up your amazing Pranks!™  
  The Draw phase is pretty self-explanatory. During this part of the turn each player draws a card from the top of their Fae Deck. This number could be increased or decreased depending on what happens to be in play.  
  During the Trade Phase, players can offer trades to different players in order to gain their Knowledge, Equipment, Machinations or Planning! Trades could involve Knowledge which greatly increases the liklihood of a trade being accepted, any other card that might be tempting to the player (equipment to help finish that machine or what have you?), or it could even be actions!   For example, Player 1 has somehow learned what is in Player 2's hands likely through Knowledge, Machinations or some Planning Card, and they really want the piece of Equipment in Player 2's hand. They don't have any Knowledge in their hand right now, or anything that they really want to get rid of, however, they instead make an Offer to Player 2 to slow down Player 3. The trade could be willfully accepted by Player 2, or they could roll for it.   Should a Trade not be willfully accepted by a player, a roll would be performed to determine the result. The player offering the trade is the "Attacker" while the player being offered the trade is the "Defender". The Defender rolls a D6 for each card that the Atacker wants to take in the trade. The Atacker rolls a D6 for each tantalizing Card or Action being offered.   In the example we mentioned earlier, Player 1 would be the attacker and would roll 1D6, Player 2 would be the defender and roll 1D6 as well. Players compare the highest numbers rolled with ties going to the defender. An Attacker could theoretically roll in with 6d6 wanting just one card from the Defender and the Defender would be able to resist the offer if they rolled a 6.  
  During the Scheme Phase, players can place any single Machination card that they have in their hand onto the board. During this time, players can also utilize any Trickery they have to use their Planning cards. Additionally, any equipment cards that a player may have gained through Planning or Machinations or Knowledge can then be played during this phase as the scheming continues.   Any Planning cards that don't explicitly say they stay in play after being used are placed at the bottom of the Fae Deck and the next phase begins.  
  The final phase of each turn is the Prank! Phase. During this phase, different Equipment, Machinations, Planning and Knowledge all come together to form an expertly crafted an executed Prank which is then unleashed on the unsuspecting Mortal or your friends! Other players may have other plans though and could prevent your Prank from working. Knowledge about your Prank, equipment that protects them for a turn, Planning cards that remove a key component, or even Machinations that turn the prank against its user! Ah, the classic Hidden Agenda of Hoisted With Your Own Petard!   Of course, if there are ways to stop a Prank like this there are also ways to protect a Prank! Long term protection that is set up in the Scheme Phase might come into effect like Machinations, Equipment or Planning cards, otherwise you may end up needing to save some Trickery to protect your Prank with some reactionary Planning card! The real action of the game happens in the Prank Phase, and just about anything could happen, so watch out!


  As mentioned previously on this delicate and glossy piece of folded paper, this game has a few different Decks available to draw from. New cards can be added to decks with the release of expansions, and older cards that aren't as exciting to the group can also be removed. Just be sure to talk to your playgroup about new additions or removals as certain mechanics might not be for everyone. The list of cards below is what can be found in this particular boxset.   It is required that the Equipment Deck have at least 30 cards, the Knowledge Deck have at least 40 cards, each Mortal Deck have at least 20 cards, and each Fae Deck have at least 30 cards.  


  2 Crow Feet - Can be burned to add two extra Trickery to your available Trickery
5 Shovels Can be used to dig for more equipment each turn. Breaks after 3 uses. Can also be used in Pranks.
2 Strange Black Cube - Has to be repaired with Mystical Tubing and Tinker's Tools, and then it can be used to Prank someone. Could also be a component in an even grander prank.
2 Tinker's Tools - Can be used to repair broken equipment to make pranks or protect against Fae if a mortal uses it.
2 Mystical Tubing - Used to repair some broken equipment, especially the strange black cube, and can be combined with other equipment. A Component, but can also be used on its own to make a simple Prank.
1 Crystal Glass Pipes and Dowels - Can be used to make glass instruments to make eerie sound effects. A fun prank and can be combined with other equipment.
5 Pile of Gears - Used as a component in building mechanical Pranks
1 Sphere of Infinite Knowledge - Can be used to draw a Knowledge card each turn, can also be used with Haunted Journal to Prank the Mortal.
1 Haunted Journal - Can be used with the Sphere of Infinite Knowledge to Prank the Mortal, or used on its own as a more simplistic and mental Prank.
1 Cube of Microlightning - A component that can be used with the Strange Black Cube to power it or with other components to create mechanical pranks.
5 Ropes - A component to help dig up extra Equipment when using shovels, or it can be used when building more complicated Mechanical Pranks.
1 Set of Wheels - A component that can be used to make Mechanical Pranks, or used on its own with some Rope to make pullies for more elaborate though simple Pranks.
1 Lever - A big lever, a component in complex Mechanical Pranks.
1 Broken Engine - An engine that needs to be repaired, requires Tinker's Tools and maybe some other components. A component in Complex Pranks, could be set up with some wheels to escape Fae Pranks if used by a Mortal.
  There is also a pack of cards that can be added to the Equipment Deck. A bit of a sideboard, if you will.   1 Lost Journal Page - Can be used to mentally prank a Mortal with information they think they're looking for or perhaps information about a lost family member, you decide what goes on the Lost Journal Page!
3 Pieces of Cardboard - can be cut up to make a simple Prank with shadows and lighting. Can also be used as components in more complicated pranks.
2 Pairs of Scissors - Can be used to cut up cardboard for more delicate arts and crafts, or could cut up the Mortal's items as a rather mean Prank.
1 Broken Flashlight - Can be repaired with some Microlighting and Tinker's Tools as a tool for Pranks, might be useful for the Mortal as well.
2 Applewood Wands - Can be used as a component in pranks, or used on its own to create mental pranks using Illusions.  


  Most "Knowledge" cards are just bargaining chips, though certain cards will have actual rules that allow glimpses at a player's hand or access to the Mortal Deck. Certain cards involve secrets that help you find the Equipment or other cards that you happen to be looking for. "Having Knowledge" on some race of fae or the mortal helps when Pranking them   Remember, all knowledge has its price.   3 Mothling Knowledge - Provides information about Mothlings and improves pranks against them. Counts as one extra dice when trading with most Fae or Mortals or as two extra dice when trading with Mothlings.
3 Hag Knowledge - Same as above sub Hag for Mothling.
3 Goblin Knowledge - Same as above sub Goblin for Mothling.
3 Sandscale Knowledge - Same as above sub Sandscale for Mothling.
3 Eadarling Knowledge - Same as above sub Eadarling for Mothling.
3 L'iump'dorae Knowledge - Same as above sub L'iump'dorae for Mothling.
6 Mortal Knowledge - Can be traded to anyone for one extra Dice or used when executing a prank to improve Prank effectiveness.
2 Sneak Peaks - Can be discarded to look at another Fae's hand
2 Lost Knowledge - Can be traded with any Fae or Mortal and counts as 2 Dice, can also be discarded to draw one from your Fae Deck.
4 Creepy Secrets - Can be used to Prank the Mortal or traded. When combined with equipment it can make a more elaborate mental prank.
3 Mechanical Secrets - Can be discarded to draw from the equipment deck twice or traded to count as two dice towards Equipment.
5 Reasons to Forget - Can be used with other knowledge and certain items to prank the Mortal, can also be traded like any other knowledge. When traded it also forces whoever received it to discard one Knowledge Card. Does not have to be revealed as part of the trade, bit of a surprise.


  Mortal Decks are designed to be played against and not to be played as. While a player could opt for this role, it is, from what we've observed, not that great being against everyone. The Mortal's turn is played by the group and played against by the group. Each turn it follows the usual phases besides Prank! It is capable of acquiring Equipment, Planning, and even Knowledge, and can work to repair equipment in a different way than Fae.   While a Mortal is working on repairing different Equipment, a Fae player could prank them by causing the machinery to become sentient, or causing the machinery to stop working and more! Creativity is loads of fun when pranking Mortals!   4 Observe - Draws from Knowledge Deck
4 Dig for Treasures - Draws from Equipment Deck
2 Test for Poisons - Protects against Equipment-based Pranks for a turn
3 Meditate - Protects against mental Pranks for a turn, heals one point of health
3 Due Diligence - Machination, Allows Mortal to Trade with Fae
2 I've Heard of this Before - Machination, gives Mortal bonus to Trade as if they had knowledge on Fae
2 Be Prepared - Machination, provides defense against one Prank and then is removed
  To shake things up, this deck also has a small pack of "random" cards which can be opened, looked at with wonder, and then sideboarded in for more variety.   2 Used to Such Things - Machination, Mortal ignores first attempt at Prankery each round
2 Keep Working - allows Mortal to put twice as much work into fixing equipment in one turn
2 Research - allows Mortal to either draw from Knowledge or search for Be Prepared card
2 Bolster Hope - heals Mortal for two points of health  


  Fae Decks are separated into different Fae Races. Some cards can be shared amongst all types of Fae while others are only available to that particular race. There are more than just the six available in this starter set, feel free to go out and find the one that fits your playstyle! Of course, there is also the option of Creating Your Own Deck, though it would still need to follow the rules of at least 30 cards and a chosen Fae Race.  
  The Hag method of pranking Mortals usually involves trades and making sure that the trade benefits the hag more than it benefits the Mortal. Additionally, these trades frequently also cause the Mortal some amount of anguish or pain in some form and are part of the prank. Because of this, Hags tend to have cards that favor trading and winning through that method. Their desire to obtain knowledge and trinkets also leads them to digging up different equipment.   Expert Hagglers - Special Ability, Reroll any 1s when trading with someone that you have Knowledge on. This counts during trades that you are perhaps withholding knowledge from the trade and for trades that you are currently trading all knowledge about the involved person.   2 Nature's Offerings - 4 Trickery, remove target Equipment from play, draw a card from the Knowledge Deck.
2 The Night's Gifts - 4 Trickery, remove target Machination from play, draw a card from the Equipment Deck.
2 Somewhere Around Here - 2 Trickery, draw 1 Equipment.
3 Ritual of Moonlight - 1 Trickery, gain 2 Trickery until end of turn
2 Cryptic Warning - 4 Trickery, Choose: Draw 2 cards from Fae Deck, Draw 2 cards from Knowledge Deck, gain +2d6 when refusing a trade, can be cast at any time.
2 Esoteric Questions - 2 Trickery, Draw 1 Knowledge
3 'Fraid Not - 2 Trickery, prevents yourself or any Mortal Deck from being affected by a prank that is activating this turn.
2 Tempting Offer - 3 Trickery, +3d6 for next Trade, can be played anytime
1 Dreamscape - 8 Trickery, Search your library for a Machination, the equipment deck for an Equipment, and draw 2 from the Knowledge Deck. The Mortal skips their next turn.
1 Somewhere in the Archives - 6 Trickery, +4d6 on next trade, and you do not need to offer anything on this trade, instead the next card that is drawn from any deck is given to the player you traded with.   2 All in Due Time - Machination, while in play add 2 Trickery at the start of each turn which last until the end of turn. After being in play for 3 turns, this card's Hidden Agenda is revealed as the Machination is flipped over. As the Hidden Agenda is revealed, draw 1 Knowledge and 1 Equipment, the bonus Trickery per turn is reduced to 1.
2 Witch's Brew - Machination, while in play draw 1 Knowledge each turn. After being in play for 3 turns, this card's Hidden Agenda is revealed as the Machination is flipped over. When the Hidden Agenda is revealed, this Machination is then traded to the Mortal or another Fae as a Prank.
2 Experimental Garden - Machination, while in play you must shuffle your deck before drawing any cards, additionally, draw one extra card each turn. The Hidden Agenda for this card can be revealed after it has been in play for 3 turns. When revealed, this Hidden Agenda allows you to search either your Fae deck, the Knowledge or Equipment Deck or even the Mortal Deck for one card and put it into your hand. The Mechanation is then traded to either the Mortal or another Fae as a Prank.
2 Persistent Blackmailer - Machination, while in play you have +2d6 to trades involving another Fae or Mortal chosen at random. The Hidden Agenda can be revealed at any time to cause the next trade to be a guaranteed success, however, the next three trades intiated by this Hag will be at -1d6 at which point the Machination will be moved to the bottom of the Fae Library.
2 What I Want, What You Need - Machination, while in play you have +1d6 to all trades as either Attacker or Defender. Can be flipped to reveal Hidden Agenda at any time to cause the last trade made with someone to be a successful prank, it also causes you to have -1d6 to all trades until the end of your next turn. The Hidden Agenda pesists for one turn before being placed at the bottom of your Fae deck.  
  The Mothling's brand of Pranks involves more lighthearted illusions and playful antics than the other Fae.   In Her Light - Special Ability, Reroll any 1s for all Pranks that involve illusions. This counts for anything that could be considered an illusion like optical illusions (cardboard and light to create shadows) or magical illusions (illusory doubles or dancing lights).   2 Nature's Offerings - 4 Trickery, remove target Equipment from play, draw a card from the Knowledge Deck.
2 The Night's Gifts - 4 Trickery, remove target Machination from play, draw a card from the Equipment Deck.
2 Somewhere Around Here - 2 Trickery, draw 1 Equipment.
3 Ritual of Moonlight - 1 Trickery, gain 2 Trickery until end of turn
3 Illusory Double - 2 Trickery, Create one illusion, can be used as part of a prank or defense against pranks.
3 Dancing Lights - 1 Trikery, Create illusory orbs of light to lure Mortals astray, can be used as part of a Prank or a Prank all on its own.
1 Hide and Seek - 3 Trickery, Creates an Illusory Double and Pranks a target with +1d6 towards the prank roll for each illusion in play. If the Mortal takes any damage from Prank they skip their next turn as they are temporarily transformed into a tree.
2 Secrets of the Forest - 4 Trickery, Choose One: Draw 2 from Fae Deck, Draw 2 from Equipment Deck, Draw 2 from Knowledge Deck or +2d6 during next Prank Roll. Can be cast at any time.
1 Moonlit Waltz - 7 Trickery, Draw one from Fae Deck, create two Illusory Doubles, Prank the Mortal adding +1d6 for each Illusion in play.
2 More Friends! - 3 Trickery, Roll off against each Fae and Mortal, draw one from the Knowledge Deck or Equipment Deck for each win.   2A Feast for All! - Machination, draw one extra card from either your Fae or the Equipment deck each turn. After five turns, flip this card over and reveal the Hidden Agenda. When this card is flipped over, you and each other Fae roll a D6 and add 1 for each relevant Knowledge Card you might have, the Winner draws from the Loser's deck. Then, roll a Prank against the Mortal with one extra D6.
2Mothlights Guide You Home - Machination, cannot be lost or pranked involving being lead astray while playing in a forest. Additionally, you have one extra dice when pranking the Mortal with misdirection, illusions or leading them astray. Hidden Agenda can be revealed at any time to stop one Prank.
3 Heirs to the Forest - Machination, draw one Equipment each turn. Hidden Agenda can be revealed to gain two extra dice during a trade, this Machination is then cycled to bottom of your Fae deck. 2 A Helping Nature - Machination, Gain 1 extra Trickery each turn which lasts until the end of the turn. Additionally, the Hidden agenda can be revealed at any time after someone has been pranked to heal them one health and draw once from Equipment Deck. This Hidden Agenda remains revealed until the end of the current player's next turn at which point it flips back over to normal.  
  The Eadarling change between the night and day, their appearances, personalities, civilizations, they're completely different, amphibious in more ways than one. fishing, hunting, lures, traps and leading Mortal's astray? gambling, day/night mechanic with Machinations   Twin Skies - Special Ability, at the start of each turn cycle between Day and Night. This can be represented with a coin or any other method you choose.   2 Nature's Offerings - 4 Trickery, (Day): remove target Equipment from play, draw a card from the Knowledge Deck. (Night): Gain control of target Equipment.
2 The Sky's Gifts - 4 Trickery, (Night): remove target Machination from play, draw a card from the Equipment Deck. (Day): Target Machination is flipped over revealing its Hidden Agenda earlier than expected, draw a card from the Knowledge Deck.
2 Somewhere Around Here - 2 Trickery, draw 1 Equipment.
2 Ritual of the Skies - 1 Trickery, gain 2 Trickery until end of turn. (Day): If you empty your trickery pool this turn, place a non-equipment, non-knowledge card from you hand at the bottom of your library and draw one from your Fae Deck. (Night): If you do nothing else this turn, gain +1d6 towards your next prank.
Lead Astray - 3 Trickery, (Day):
Lures and Distractions -
Potent Spirits -
Extended Twilight - makes both Day and Night effects on cards occur for one turn. Let's Play a Game! -
Cycle   Brunches and Raves -
Gambling -
Simplicity and Dazzling Lights -
Hidden Plans, The Day Cannot See the Night   Remove all machinations from play, each player searches Fae deck for one machination and puts it into play.  
  desert-themed fishfolk (sahuagin?lacothah?kuatoa?) that swim through the sand. Have underground palaces. Digging, underground traps, hiding pranks as Knowledge or Machines for the mortal to dig up.  
  Mechanical focus, yet kinda savage with traps and stuff? Separated from the ones in Taranel, what does that mean?  
  arachnid folk of different types, spiders and scorpions primarily. Can stun mortal, "reanimate" the dead using webs, puppet masters, paralyzing agents that control people?  

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