Giant Heart Slug Species in The Gates | World Anvil
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Giant Heart Slug

Giant Heart Slugs are a species of slug that can be found in Tympi's Forest. They were first discovered by Kaswink on Nurend 30, 308 while she was looking for something to pair with Courageous Black Moss. Their slime is incredibly sweet and a little acidic.

Basic Information


Giant Heart Slugs, as the name suggests, are quite large! They can be up to 7 feet long, 3 feet wide, and weigh up to 150 pounds. They are mostly an unpleasant combination of different shades of grey, but a thin and faint pink band runs around their perimeter about 1/3 of the way down from their head. This band comes to a sharp point (similar to the bottom of a heart symbol) on two opposing sides of the slug.   Like other slugs, this particular species has five hearts. One of its hearts is significantly larger than the others and surrounded by the four smaller hearts.   The slime that coats their entire bodies is incredibly sweet as experienced by Kaswink when she initially discovered it. This will likely help with making a tonic (or even a meal) that is more easily ingestible while also containing the Black Moss. Additionally, further experiments have shown that the larger heart is capable of providing a similar anti-fear effect, which could help bolster the efficacy of the moss.

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