Avant Garde Item in The Gates | World Anvil
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Avant Garde

Avant Garde is a game found within the Spirit World. In particular, it was purchased from the gamestore "Star Curtain Gaming" while the Spiritual Travelers were in The Night City of Dorchar.   A game that incorporates many different forms of the arts: Sculpting, drawing, music, interior design, and more! A topic is determined along with a medium and each player’s attempt is voted on, anonymously, with differently valued voting chips.   The choices for both topics and mediums are magically generated each round. The game can sometimes match topics with mediums in humorous ways such as writing a Boroque musical piece featuring the harpsichord about a topic like new Socks that already feel unusually grimey. This is all in theme with the name of the game: Avant Garde, which of course means something experimental or unusual.
The box shows off several Dorchar Eadarling overenthusiastically shouting at a statue of a trenchcoat full of bees. One Eadarling in the background looks quite "over this", and one responsible figure in a nearby kitchen is cooking what appear to be oatmeal cookies, though one could never be sure.   The box also features many different combinations of Medium/Topic, some of which are mundane while others are characteristically unusual. Even if a task is incredibly simple, the rules and box both suggest keeping everything as unusual and experimental as possible with the approach to keep in the spirit of the game.   A Wax Statue of the feeling you get when there's a single drop of rain but then it stops.   A drawing of a whale!   An epic poem detailing the events of a supernaturally powerful king defeating monsters in a forest.   A room design that features esoteric warnings from something called "Carl".
  The rules of the game are rather straightforward: Follow the prompt and be judged by your friends.   Each player in the game has an opportunity to create the masterpiece requested. Normally they will have one "chance", as it is timed to keep the game moving, but they can attempt to try again with a bit of a disadvantage. After a piece is created, then players have a chance to defend what they've created. This might rely on a bit of deception if they have made something particularly outlandish (or dreadful), but it could be more simply persuasion or even a performance to show just how amazing the piece is.   This is manifested with the following in-game approach:   1) Listen to and read the prompt.
2) Attempt the masterpiece by rolling an appropriate ability check + prof, if applicable.
3) Re-try if you wish, rolling with disadvantage due to time constraints.
  • 31) Note: sometimes, the most truly Avant Garde creation is something created on accident and with bad luck. It's how it is presented and defended that it becomes a masterpiece.
4) Present the masterpiece with any Charisma-based check you wish.
5) Vote on your top three choices using a Gold, Silver, or Bronze medal included with the game or create your own to make it truly unique! Votes should be cast anonymously if possible. When determining who receives your awards, remember to keep presentation in mind as well as the actual result.   And that's Avant Garde! A relatively simple game, great for parties!

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