The Tempestic Ocean Geographic Location in The Frontier | World Anvil
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The Tempestic Ocean

The Tempestic Ocean is the larger of the two major oceans on Tarsis. Roughly the size of the Terran Atlantic Ocean, it stretches from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere, with the majority of the water being situated in the Southern Hemisphere. Being much deeper than the Green Ocean and crossing multiple climate zones, this Ocean is subjected to regular hurricane-like storms, which givime it its name.


Average depth: ~4000m Deepest depth: ~13000m Surface Area: ~110 million m2 Average Saline Content: 57g/kg

Fauna & Flora

Fish analogues live in this water preying on the large schools of small crustaceans that inhabit this sea. The diversity of life is lower than in the Green Ocean due to more intense competition between species.

Natural Resources

Large deposits of fossil fuels and diamonds lie beneath the deep sea bed due to a lack of bottom feeders on account of the insane water pressure. Crustaceans are harvestable for food and salt can be extracted from the sea water.
Alternative Name(s)
The Sea of Storms
Location under

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