Sub-Terrans Species in The Freedomverse | World Anvil
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The Sub-Terrans are so lowly a race they even lacked a name for themselves until the The Terra-King discovered them, calling them by the same name he gave to their underground realm. They are small, sickly-looking humanoids averaging about four feet tall with pale yellowish skin, but surprising strength for their size. Their bodies are hairless and their solid white eyes are adapted life in near-total darkness, rendering them blind (and usually panicked) in daylight or the equivalent.   Sub-Terrans are innately servile, designed that way by their ancient Serpent People creators. They have virtually no individual initiative or ego, fanatically obeying the commands of whomever they consider their master. In the absence of someone to command them, they continue to faithfully carry out whatever duties they may have, even for generations, as they did before the Terra-King discovered them.

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