Taklak Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Taklak (a.k.a. The Gilded Dragon)

"I may not have the wings of a dragon, or the brains of brother Urbu, but I do know what's right and I'm willing to fight for it."
~ Taklak, to Escobert the Red
  Taklak is a one-armed kobold and former member of the Cult of the Dragon. His family's tribe was taken in by the dragon-worshipping cult almost a decade before his birth, meaning that Taklak was brought up entirely within the cult's ranks.   From a young age, the cult taught Taklak and his siblings to worship Tiamat, the evil dragon goddess, although Taklak was never as devout as his brethren. The cult also taught the young kobolds how to fight with daggers, and Taklak's first taste of combat was in 3013 JR, when the cult organised a raid upon a small farming village in the Greenfields. During the raid, Taklak stole a history book from one of the farmers' houses, and despite not being literate, enjoyed flicking through the book and looking upon the pictures of brave and noble knights riding valiant steeds through the countryside.   In 3019 JR, the Cult of the Dragon organised another raid, this time on the humble yet prosperous town of Greenest, which was carried out with the help of a blue dragon named Lennithon. During this raid, Taklak was instructed to gather as much gold and silver as he could from town's burning buildings, which would later be placed in a gigantic horde devoted to Tiamat. However, as the night drew on, a number of adventurers arrived in the town, and after seeing his allies cut down by the heroes, Taklak tried to escape. During his attempt to flee with the treasure, Taklak foolishly reached his hand in the sack of gold which he had stolen. Unknown to Taklak, the contents of the sack had been heated to a great temperature, and soon the young kobold's right arm was submerged in molten gold, searing his flesh to the bone.   Taking pity on the creature, a dwarven adventurer named Marded offered to amputate Taklak's gilded arm - which had now solidified, pinning him the ground - in exchange for information about the cult's motives. Impressed by the dwarf's mercy, Taklak not only agreed to the amputation, which was carried out by a handaxe, but also elected to join the adventuring party as an ally, in hopes of putting his past as a cultist behind him.
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
3007 JR 12 Years old
Troll Mountains
Black, squinty
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Reddish-brown, scaly
45 pounds

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