Kobold Species in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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"What is the purpose of kobold's life if it does not bring glory to the Dragon Queen?"
~ Taklak, Kobold Cultist
  Kobolds are a draconic race of small humanoids. They are often dismissed as cowardly, foolish, and weak, but these little reptilian creatures actually have a strong social structure that stresses devotion to the tribe, are clever with their hands, and viciously work together in order to overcome their physical limitations. They tend to be aggressive and inward, yet at the same time industrious, and are noted for their skill in building traps, organising ambushes and mining.   Most kobolds recognise their own diminutive nature, and compensate by banding together in service of a greater power. As kobolds consider themselves the true descendants of chromatic dragons, they often choose such creatures to be their masters (although they are often taken in by the dragon for amusement rather than for protection).   The ultimate goal of the kobold race is to conquer as much land as possible. They plan and dig mines industriously, while laying cruel traps for interlopers, preferring an ambush to direct confrontation. If, however, they are confronted, they try to overwhelm foes with sheer numbers; failing that, they flee.   Kobolds usually loot as much treasure as they can carry from their defeated enemies, who are usually killed (although occasionally may be taken as slaves instead). They often harbour great envy towards kobolds with more strength, cunning or experience, but would be hard pressed to outwardly engage their rivals.   Some kobolds are born with leathery wings - such creatures are referred to as Urds, and are usually hated by their wingless brethren.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most kobolds are named after random sounds with harsh syllables, such as Szeg, Sken, Vadvak and Thok. They usually don't have a surname, but if they do it'll often be a simple description that isn't carried down to their children. Such surnames include Dogbreath, Sharptooth and Mudbelly.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Kobolds live in the dark, ideally underground or in a thick forest. Their lairs are often overcrowded, although when one tribe becomes too numerous, it often split into numerous smaller ones. The overcrowding eliminates the concept of privacy, so kobolds sleep in communal areas where nudity is not regarded as shameful or offensive, even to the opposite sex. Kobolds wear clothing for function or ritual, but not to prevent nudity. The common overcrowding can often lead to conflict, and two kobold who consider themselves equal will fight to settle their differences, although these fights are not usually lethal. A kobold will never challenge a fellow kobold if they don't think they can win.

Common Myths and Legends

Kobolds consider themselves the worthy successors of chromatic dragons. According to kobold legend, the evil dragon goddess Tiamat created them to be the dragons' servitors until the day the last dragon died. At that point, the kobolds would be free to rise up and take control of the sky, land and ocean. While this tale is likely a lie, made up by an overzealous kobold or teasing dragon, almost every kobold in the realm considers it gospel, and not to be questioned.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most kobolds hold a hatred for nearly all other humanoid races and enjoy killing and torturing them, in particular gnomes, pixies and sprites.   Despite this, kobold are content with being separated from other races, as they consider themselves more worthy of success than anyone else. An old kobold saying states:
"The dragon scale toughens our skin. The dragon bone adorns our skull. The dragon heart flames our sorcery. We are the dragon, and for the dragon we live. Long live the dragon."
Up to 120 years
Average Height
2'0" - 2'6"
Average Weight
35 - 45 pounds

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