Jenks Character in The Forgotten Realm | World Anvil
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An urchin the party found hanging around Trollskull Alley . Jenks is usually with his friends Nat  and Squiddly. Jenks has a stuffed owlbear he calls his "familiar". He "casts" spells, calling himself a wizard.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jenks had a somewhat stocky build. Like most Turami, he had dark skin. His hair was a darker shade of brown than his skin, and was cut almost down to the roots.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jenks first memory is in the orphanage. Hiding away from the other mean children. Seeing a taller, shabby mulan girl push her head over the bed to look down at him. Reaching out a hand for him to get up. Nat is his older sister in everything, but blood. She was the first one he told about his dream of becoming a wizard. The one he ran away with when everything got to bad. Ans when Squiddliy came with them their little gang was complete. It was them against the world. And even if he doesn't like to speak to people he very much wants to keep the two of them safe. However, now they are with everyone in Trollskull and he hopes that he can learn a lot there.
Dark brown.
Dark and short.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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