Law of Magic Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Flying Flux | World Anvil

Law of Magic

Magic makes the world go 'round.

Energy devoted solely to the correction of impossibilities and paradoxes. To mend reality, something greater than logic must be present; a force which may take executive action and not get stuck in loops.


When reality is torn or bent, magic will appear to replace logic and rescue the universe from paradoxes that might destroy it. This most often takes the form of a brilliant flash of light or terrible explosion depending on the exact amount of energy each particular problem requires.


The practice of manipulating reality is simply known as "magic", though magic itself is impossible to control directly. According to the Law of Perception, magicians use "backlash" and the universe wields magic to correct any residual damage that might affect reality. If logic is thrown too dramatically, the one affecting it may even be destroyed, but Flux is so diluted in magic that such an event rarely occurs (when it does, it's usually caused by those who see themselves as the center of everything. Such an illogical view can not be supported, even with all available magic supporting them).



Metaphysical, Divine

Articles under Law of Magic


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