Flare Forest Geographic Location in The Flying Flux | World Anvil

Flare Forest

The breathing trees found only in the Inlands are marvelous indeed. This spectacle of Flux's magic is the largest naturally-occurring growth found in this barren wasteland.


While small patches of Flarewood can be found anywhere within the Inner Lands, Flare Forest is a uniquely massive gathering of these flaming trees. Being so close to the sun, which is a massive producer of Flux's heat and magical power, allowed a rapid adaptation to an otherwise inhospitable environment... but in a strange way.

Rather than simply developing an immunity to the fire that endlessly consumes it, the Flarewood trees gained an incredible regenerative ability. Essentially, they 'heal' faster than the coin-sun's heat destroys, creating a cycle of magic that nourishes the plant. Because of this nonsensical process, the forest has grown completely independent from most 'normal' floral requirements, like water, soil, and even a sturdy foundation. Such a development is crucial, since the Inner Lands almost exclusively consist of sand, rocks, and scorched canyons.

Natural Resources

Several valuable materials are native to the Inner Lands, including Gold. Unfortunately, many of those are poor magical conductors, so it is rare to find these materials anywhere near Flarewood trees, which are heavily reliant on local magic during their earliest stages of development.

  • Flarewood
  • Various native animals
  • Enchanted minerals
  • Sand



Alternative Name(s)
The Flarewood Forest
Location under


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