Lung Geographic Location in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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The Great Empire & "The Royal Dragon"

Lung is the oldest state of Lungshi and has been in existence for over twenty-six centuries in one form or another. It has been ruled by an emperor for almost half of its history, except for a few periods of turmoil. The head and center of the state is the current Empress Chin of the Kuo Dynasty, the eighth dynasty to rule the land. The bureaucracy she heads is manned by thousands of officials, major and minor, chosen by a system of examinations given throughout the land. Thus, within Lung, it is possible for even the poorest commoner to rise to an influential position, provided he is talented enough and studies hard. Lung is divided into 14 provinces, each headed by a governor. These fourteen provinces included Arakeen, Chuk, Ch’ung, Erte, Hai, Hune, Kaan, Ma, Shan, Tien, Wang, and Yu. The provinces are in turn divided into districts, also with its own officers. At each level, the officials are responsible for the management of those beneath them, the hearing of court cases, keeping the peace, the collection of taxes, and the construction of public works.   The provinces are connected by a well-maintained network of roads and bridges, creating a regular flow of trade between different provinces. There is also an extensive network of Imperial Messengers stationed at depots throughout the land to carry the news to and from the capital city, T'ien Shih. Extensive areas of dikes and dams have been built along major rivers to reduce the risk of flooding. Regular coinage and paper money are minted and honored throughout the land. The people of Lungshi stand apart from those of the lands they consider barbarian lands, every nation other than their own, in being taller, fairer, and at least in their own opinion, more pleasing to the eye. The blood of many peoples flows in their veins from the many tribes and nations conquered by their vast empire. They generally have straight black hair that they often grow long, although some wear long mustaches and thin beards they all usually have brown eyes.   Prior to the Godswar, the nobles of House Lung united the kingdoms into the Empire of Lungshi. As the seat of a unified empire, Lung is a melting pot of all these different ethnic and cultural identities, held together as provinces of the empire and blending together their various cultures and characteristics. The people of Lung are practical, cosmopolitan, and proud citizens. Heirs to a culture spanning beyond memory, they walk the realms in absolute certainty that they are part of the greatest civilization of all time the world can boast. Their art, music, literature, government, science, and military power are unrivaled, giving the people of Lung, and indeed those of all Lungshi, an unparalleled richness of cultural heritage and a justified pride in their dealings with other nations. A lesser number, but the still significant portion, of the people of Lung, have a strong sense of honor, a great pride in their ancestors, and a fierce devotion to their families. Unlike the samurai of Zakura, they do not manifest their pride in bluster and bragging, nor do they avenge an insult withdrawn katana. The honor of a warrior’s family is more important than his own, and a family works together to avenge any slight to their honor.
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