Fleurus Settlement in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Heartland City State   The anchorage on Toman Head has been a coveted port location. It has not been confirmed, but supposedly there has been a city where Fleurus now stands since soon after the Godswar. The first city where Fleurus now stands was called Miereallen, greatly weakened after the events of the wars and resulting power struggles, eventually, the country collapsed, though the city struggled on. The next country to control the city was Darmovan. It is likely that the residents of Fleurus participated significantly in the famous "People’s Uprising" that squashed a rebellion and after the War of the Hundred Years, the nation of Amadeaus came into being. It controlled most of the Amadeaus Plain, and thus Fleurus. All that is known at this point is that the country simply faded away several hundred years ago, though Fleurus remains.
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