Evermore Settlement in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Ruler: First Speaker of the council, High Priestess Jygil Zelnathra Economy: Trade, farming, horses, livestock, barge making, iron ore, steel weapons, armor Militia: The 400 Riders of Evermore patrol the Nethermoors for two days ride on either bank around the castle, defending it against orcs, trolls, and policing the population which has a higher turnover than most settlements due to the total dominance of traveling trade. Points of interest: None   The bustling trading town of nearly 6,000 within the circular stone palisades of Castle Evermore is the only settlement, human or otherwise, within the Nethermoors. Beyond the city walls are 40 or so farms and families who rely on the Riders of Evermore for their safety. The multi-spire temple of Waukeen-Merchant’s friend dominates much within its walls. The clergy of Waukeen, who rule Evermore, welcome all who come in the name of honest trade. A fortified bridge crosses the Meander River to the west linking the city with paddocks, stock-pens, the city’s river docks, and the fortified stables of the Riders, the city’s militia, and army. Council meetings generally involve conflict between Tessarin “Longtresses” Alaurun, a wizardess, and High Priestess Jygil Zelnathra. Though both women respect each other’s abilities, Tessarin opposes the Theocratic dominance of Evermore and believes that her home would be better off without the religious late-comers who now hold power. Evermore’s economy is based mostly around trade and focused on investing in defense of the city and its people. Almost all goods bound for the west and from the west pass through Evermore. It is also known for its exceptional steel.
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