Dawnpass Stand Geographic Location in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Dawnpass Stand

This is the present-day name for the strip of the uninhabitable land west of Hellspont Desert now overrun by evil things out of The Hellgates up through the Stubrn Wood. This was once a part of an ancient kingdom of mages who fled when they could not stem the expansion of the Sea of Hell sometimes referred to as The Fallen Lands. Now it is home only to monsters, though rumors persist of great mages inhabiting its southern reaches, hurling back the fiends with their art. Adventurers have even reported seeing a beholder of awesome size here, directing hobgoblin servants to capture monstrous beasts. Along the eastern edge, shifting desert sands have uncovered a ring of nine gigantic statues who are apparently peering down into a wide hole of unknown purpose. Once, this was a fair wood of healthy trees and frolicking forest creatures. Now it is the lair of fiendish, other-planar creatures. The trees themselves have taken on horrific aspects, parodies of the monsters who stalk their gloomy glades.
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