Country of Eilusk Geographic Location in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Country of Eilusk

Yellow rising sun on white background with red trim
The King, in his absence The Council of Nine
Other Locations
No other major centers
Major exports
Fish, Shipbuilding, Trade, Finance
Points of interest
Eiluskian Road, Great Square of Pazzu, The Royal Palace, The Council Palace, The Harbour, The Northern Forts, Plains of Maruuk, The House of Trade
  Eilusk is the newest and most powerful merchant nation north of the Sea of Storms, with a capital city of the same name. It is a center of commerce specializing in fishing, shipping, shipbuilding, and smuggling. Political deadlock often leaves residents free to pursue their mercantile ambitions without official interference. Eilusk has an simmering five hundred year rivalry with its eastern neighbor, Tethar. The Capital is visually striking with two opposing but similar palaces at its center, one for the king and one for the council may be found adjoining the square. The council's palace is just a bit smaller. Once a year the King declares the Time of the Hunt, its participants, who are called Hunters, are commissioned in the Great Square of Pazzu between the two palaces. Eilusk boasts the largest port in the known world, a giant circular harbor. To the west sprawls forests and olive groves. The far north is quite mountainous, bulwarked by castles and hill forts. To the east is a vast marshland finally opening up to the Plains of Maruuk. The city's immediate surroundings is made up of these swamps and therefore does not need any protecting wall. It is ruled both by a Council of Nine and a king who wears the Sun Crown of Anulil. In the absence or indisposition of the king, the Council of Nine rules in his stead.
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