Angelwater Settlement in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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Ruler: None though Angel of The Planatar Wings is considered by all a person of some importance. Economy: Sellswords, Mercenaries, Questionable and Illegal trade. Militia: None. Points of interest: The Planatar’s Wings, Angel Bridge, Black Abbey Ruins.   This small trail town is located west of Weapingwood on the trail road south of Angel Bridge, one of the only two bridge crossings over the Strathclyde River. Often raided by goblinkin, it is a small town that shrinks to little more than an armed outpost in winter due to many overland caravans choosing to winter at Citadel or traveling by boat rather than face this threat and the long cold, sometimes impassable overland route to Longforge. At its heart is the old stone ruin of a temple to one of the evil dead gods known as the Black Abbey. Some folk believe it was once sacred to another god and was only seized by worshipers of the evil dead god briefly. The ruins have yielded many of the stones used to build the rest of Angelwater. What remains of the ruins are home to a mysterious woman calling herself Angel who runs a tavern called Planetar’s Wings that serves a “rich tasting mead” famous up and down The Blackwater as “Angelwater”, the town even derived its name from the brew. The mead tastes quite contrary to its description but has become an acquired taste, a right of passage and acceptance to most locals who describe it as repugnant but effective. The word up and down The Blackwater is that Angel was once a priestess. Some say she abandoned her calling, others that she embraced another faith and others say she’s a mind flayer or other horrible creature like a succubus, or perhaps beholder, or even a neogi, who has mastered magic enough to take human form for years at a time. All that is certain is that Angel answers no questions, has healed folk from time to time, conceals her true allegiances and powers as if protected by some magical force, and stores broken instruments of torture in the old abbey loft where she sometimes lets travelers sleep. Whether she used spells or potions for healing is a point of contention as reports on this are confused. All of this makes many merchants so uneasy that they camp together outside of town or press on past if the weather’s fair and the night apt to be moonlit, rather than stopping here. Angelwater’s reputation as a lawless town means most visitors tend to bring their own swords and are prepared to swing them. There are several fireside tales about brigands who buried loot here and were slain before they came back for it. Not all such tales are fanciful. The merchant Athkatla, a far-traveled trader in sundries once dug a latrine pit just west of town a spring or two ago and unearthed an ivory coffer crammed full of matched black pearls. Each was said to be as large as the pommel nut of a stout broadsword! Be warned, however, digging in certain spots is said to summon helmed horrors due to an ancient guardian spell of unknown origin. Folk not wanted in cities and towns of near The Blackwater River eventually find their way here. This has made Angelwater something of a hiring fair for brigands, mercenaries down on their luck, those suffering from madness, bearing curses or diseases, and others not tolerated in most communities. Fences for stolen goods are plentiful here and scurrilous bounty hunters who kill, maim, or capture to order are as well. Even slavers, a practice not welcomed in the rest of the north are said to openly deal here. If there is information, poisons, chains and cages, sleep venoms, and exotic killing pets, rumor has it they can be procured here, though many times to those not already known to the seller they cost you double and have half a chance to be a counterfeit, forgery or sham.
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