Selu Character in The Expanse of Esta | World Anvil
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Selu (Say Loo)

Selu Yan'oh is a member of the Yan'oh race on the planet Neban.The Yan'oh are the second most populous species on the planet after the Neb'oh. Unlike the sea dwelling Neb and Avian Thos the Yan'oh are amphibious, with long serpantine lower bodies. Selu was born a member of a enslaved family under Thos rule and eventually joined the young Neb'oh rebel fighters Phey'zu Sa'la and Usa Tsudruma in the fight to end the tyranny of the Thos'oh. Selu has spent her considerably long life mainly as a pirate, criminal overlord, smuggler and very occassionally legitmate buisnessman and politician. After the war for Neban's independence Phey'zu chose to leave the planet to pursue opportunities within the newly formed Iotian Empire. Selu stayed on Neban and helped the newly elected Premier Usa rebuild and govern. Upon the death of the first Premier, Selu joined Phey'zu, now going by the Iotian version of his name, Peytov , off planet. Since then Selu has become one of the richest private citizens in the Expanse, wielding political power in both The Iotian Empire, The Federation and the Consortium. Selu is outwordly loud, crass, overtly sexual and confident. However this masks a keen intellect and shrewdness that has kept her alive and thriving for centuries when others have failed.


  Peytov   His oldest friend and the only person who knows everythingabout him without a neurolink. Selu even knows secrets he has forgotten or purposefully walled off even from himself, thus also keeping this information a secret from the Emperor. Peytov and she have an often petty, anatgonistic relationship, similar to siblings or cousins, with her affectionately and rudely calling him "Teh'kyuda" or "rot egg". Despite their drastically different personalities they trust each other completely, both due to friendship and the massive amounts of blackmail material they each have on each.other   Janus Sa'la   Selu serves as adopted Aunt to Peytov's created daughter Janus. The two are known for getting into mischief to the annoyance of Peytov. As the girl grew older Selu served as a mentor and example in confidence and leadership.   Cecilia Sandec   Selu first met the head of the Consortium for business reasons, but the two quickly bonded. Besides a mutual love of picking on Peytov the two share a joint interest in the incident on The Horizon as well as the earlier Tragedy of Busar.   Emperor Iota   The only person in the Expanse Selu acts defferent and respectful to, possibly the only person she is afraid of.


Peytov Sa'la


Towards Selu




Towards Peytov Sa'la



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