The Multiversal Explorers Association Organization in The Eternity | World Anvil
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The Multiversal Explorers Association

The Multiversal Explorer's Association (commonly abbreviated to MEA) is the largest organization in The Eternity. It was originally founded in ECC (Eternal Clock Count) 122276 by the Dimension King Mewtex, as a way to chart, manage, and organize the Hexaverse. Mewtex took the seat of authority as the founder but would end up dumping most of the logistical work on his technological counterpart, Robo-Mewtex. A bit later, in ECC 122343 the MEA would create the largest census of reality to ever exist, deemed The Rankings. The reason for the name was because it had categorized and listed every single sentient being to be found through The Eternity and ranked them in order of IPS (Infinite Power Scale). From this, the most legendarily powerful group would form, The 23. The 23 were all the beings ranking from number 23 and up, which confusingly contains 25 beings (This is a result of two beings sharing #8 with exact equal power amounts, and a logistical error that placed a being in spot #8.5). When The Rankings were first established, many noticed a terrifyingly and strangely massive power gap between those who had a number of 23 or lower and the ones below it. The MEA would followingly make a point out of tracking down all the beings in this group, which was made easier when they realized about 1/4th of the 23 were beings already affiliated with the MEA, such as Robo-Mewtex (13th), Mewtex (10th), and his creator, Infinitex (7th). From the 23, the MEA was able to establish the MEA Agents (Which generally just included any 23 members that would say yes, which was a surprisingly large amount), with the main purpose being to go throughout the entire Hexaverse, combing through and logging in the database as many Universes, Multiverses, and Omniverses contained within the Pentaverses of the Hexaverse. This group would contain (Going in order from weakest to strongest) Shadow Mewtex, Harbinger of Ultimate Destruction (22nd), Neroaraemon, Lord of Doom (21st), Megaler, Second clone of Megalar (20th), Fadora Man, the Comic Hero (19th), Megalor, First clone of Megalar (18th), Fintex, Youth of Megalar (17th), Robo-Eternity, Strongest Eternity Piece (16th), A-42-17, Experiment of Void (15th), Robo-Dartex, Recreation of the Dark Brother (14th), Robo-Mewtex, Who is very tired of writing these Fancy Titles, Neon, The Dragon King (12th), Mewtex, the Dimension King, Megalar, Vessel of The Eternity (8.5th), Infinitex, God of Gods, and the All Seeing All Knowing Goosebrick (5th). Additionally, Zenith (1st) tends to work with the MEA for the same purpose, however, he refuses to be an official part of the MEA. While the MEA started with a lot of tempo, once a large portion of the Hexaverse had been charted and logged it would quickly deform under its own weight. Today, the MEA is more known for being the corporate-government manager of all existence and is maligned by people who think that the Hexaverse shouldn't be controlled. Mewtex is known less for being a king of dimensions, and more known for being permanently tired, overworked, and easily irritated. He acts as the head of dimensional travel enforcement, as it was found by the MEA that dimensional travel using any method outside of the Blueportals created by Mewtex had an adverse effect on the overall stability of the dimensions. However, the position of head dimensional enforcer typically involves "About 3% shoving my foot up some idiot's ass because he couldn't be bothered to get a transport permit and 97% filling out all the paperwork due to the damages caused." -Mewtex in an interview talking about his position. Robo-Mewtex now works as the main proprietor of any form of technology to be found in the MEA, even having started Mewx Corporation as a company under the MEA that manages all finances and has caused a number of universes to adopt a consumerist dystopia with Mewx Corp. as the sole entity behind these unkind conditions.

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