The Choosing Tradition / Ritual in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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The Choosing


The Choosing is a rare tradition upheld by some of the more traditional noble families of Enther. When a son or daughter of a Lord can not find a match from other nobility, be it for any reason, the Lord of the land may choose families from their own lands to present to them a child who would be a suitable spouse for the Lord's child.   If the child is selected, they immediately must leave with their betrothed.   Failure to provide a child to the Lord is punishable.   The Choosing was originally a rite created after The Bastard's Plague was over. This was done in order for Lords and Ladies to be able to have their offspring marry strong individuals, regardless of their social standing. This resulted in many common families being elevated socially and economically. After sometime, the noble families of the Kingdom were replenished and the ritual slowly became phased out of use. However it was never removed from law and it is still possible for Lords to carry out this rite should they need too.

Components and tools

All the candidates must adorn red cloaks. The red, symbolising their role os a candidate is removed once they are chosen and they are given a white cloak to match that of the choser.


  • The Chooser - The child of the lord whom will be selecting their betrothed from the presented choices.
  • The Choice - The child chosen from the shortlisted families brought at the Lord's command. 


The choosing itself is usually observed by the whole settlement, as all the children of the needed gender are viable to be chosen. A clergy member, no lesser ranked than a Mother, must be in attendance to bless the ritual.
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: Witch's Room by


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