Sebastian Moon Character in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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Sebastian Moon

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not much is known about Grand Enchanter Sebastian Moon.    In 1098 ABM Sebastian Moon was travelling through out skirts of Norshire where he came upon by chance, three soldiers resting beneath a tree. As he approached he could see all of them were severely injured. Without any hesitation, Moon used his magic and his skills in healing to do what he could to prevent the injuries getting worse.    He managed to get them all to a local town, where he bought them a room at an inn and treated their wounds till they were able to travel. Subsequently, the three men had nothing but thanks for the young mage and as a result the four became fast friends. Moon would be surprised to learn that one of the men, Magnus, was actually Prince of Enther and next in line to the crown.   In 1105 ABM, Prince Magnus would become King of Enther, and would elect his friend and well respected Moon to Grand Enchanter of Enther, serving him at court and becoming the leader of the Magic Guilds. For 25 years he would serve the King, along side his friend Lord Commander Callus Riverwood until King Magnus's apparent murder.


Sebastian Moon is an asexual person, though he does have deep rooted feelings for one person.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Fort Harrow
Golden Brown, like honey.
Black with speckles of gray and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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