City of Norheim Settlement in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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City of Norheim

The Great City of Norheim is the capital of Norshire and seat of the Great Lord of Norshire. Its name comes means "Home of the Northlins".


Norhiem is considered one of the oldest cities in the history of Enther, its origins dating back to before the Coryphians.   During the days of the old kingdoms , Inhabitants of the north were belonged to small clans that knew nothing but battle. The two strongest of these clans were the Winterborns and the Blacktooths who had warred against each other for their entire histories. Eventually, intending to end the constant bloodshed, Bragan Winterborn used his position as leader of his clan to broker a truce and marriage pact with the Blacktooth clan through their leader, his childhood lover Idunna Blacktooth. Thus the Winterborns and Blacktooths, and their respective affiliated clans formed the first northern kingdom: Norheim— a name invented by Iduuna herself. Other villages would soon start forming, following Norheim's example and essentially ending the warring of the northern clans.   When the Corpyhian's begun to awaken, Norheim was the final city to fall. Though unlike other kingdoms in the north which fell and were destroyed, Norheim stood it's ground and the city was starved out by the occupation of the lands around it. Some speak of a sacrifice made by the people of Norhiem protected it from the wrath of the Coryphians.   When the Corphyians fell during the The War for Aigea Norhiem was given back to the northern people. Merida, who was said to carry the blood of the Winterborns, was granted a seat there is its leader, however she chose to live her life as she always had, as a nomad hunter. She passed the rule of the northern lands to her cousin.   Access to the vast woodlands has made the people of Norshire expert foresters and the denizens of Norhiem where no exception. Norhiem became integral in the development of other towns and cities throughout the kingdom. Many of the villages and towns throughout Norshire would transport lumber to Norhiem for it to be sent on. Travelling woodworkers, carpenters and builders became common occupations for people of Norshire taking their talents to villages and small holds.   During the First Age Norhiem was still heavily fortified having not being destroyed during the Great War and thus became a power within the kingdom. This proved a favourable city for people to take up residence causing the population of Norhiem to boom throughout the early parts of the First Age. As time progressed the western city of Denholm was expanding and quickly gaining power and influence. The nobles of Norhiem raised concern with the Great Lord that the cities economy would be threatened by the deep quarries of Denholm. The Winterborns and their Blacktooth brethren plotted to depose the Ottoson’s from their position of power and place the Blacktooth family there giving the Winterborn’s power in both the north and the west. Without consenting the king, Winterborn called his men to arms and marched upon Denholm. The campaign was catastrophic for the northern forces. Wind of their planned invasion had made its way to the ears of the Ottoson’s, who in turn rallied their forces and met the northern host near River Maeve.     Fighting commenced at midday, as the Denhish brought their longbows within killing range and the first line of Northern knights advanced, led by cavalry. The field that the Northlins had to cross to meet their enemy was muddy after a week of rain and slowed their progress, during which time they endured heavy casualties from Denhish arrows. When the first Northlin line reached the Denhish front, the cavalry were unable to overwhelm the archers, who had driven sharpened stakes into the ground at an angle before themselves. Eventually the archers abandoned their longbows and began fighting hand-to-hand with swords and axes alongside the men-at-arms. The next line of northern forces that poured in found themselves so tightly packed (the field narrowed at the western end) that they were unable to use their weapons effectively, and the tide of the battle began to turn toward the Denhish. As the Winterborn host were collecting prisoners, a band of Denhish peasants led by local noblemen began plundering Winterborn’s baggage behind the lines. Thinking it was an attack from the rear, Winterborn despatched a third of his host to meet the peasants. The remains of the northern army were set upon by the Denhish forces. The front lines where massacred and the reaming forces began recoiling at the pile of corpses before them and unable to make an effective charge, retreated swiftly.
Alternative Name(s)
The Winter City
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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