Aigea Geographic Location in The Enther Chronicles | World Anvil
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Aigea is a supercontinent what is believed the central part of the world, and the only known supercontinent of theEnther Chronicles universe, upon which all of the Enther Chronicles media is set. It is presumed that there are other continents, there are parts of the world which have not been explored. Aigea this considered by its inhabitants as The Known World.   The word "Aigea" originates from Aigeria, a word taken from the language of Ancient Faye meaning "Mountainous World". A native of Aigea is referred to as a Methosian. To the south, beneath Sundinia, the north above Onderfel & Undrus, the east of Owai and west of Entheria is the "Lost World". Each of these directions host a plethora of inhospitable areas and unnavigable terrains. To the south, scorching sands and vast deserts. To the North, unending blizzards and unbearable cold. To the east, monstrous mountain ranges as far as the eyes can see. To the west, seas and storms no ships can safely make voyage. Some claim they have come from these lost worlds, though evidence has been scarce.  


    Aigea is made up of various continents which are home to various kingdoms. These kingdoms are as followed:  


  Entheria, the large northwestern and central continent. It is split down the middle by a huge mountain range splitting the kingdom into two regions. West Entheria and East Entheria consists of the following kingdoms and lands:
  • Kingdom of Enther (West Entheria)
  • Kingdom of Charlyon
  • Kingdom of Brethia
  • Eire , the Dwarven kingdom.
  • Daggerlands
  • Vulumdor
  • Andinia

Onderfel & Undrus

  Onderfel & Undrus is a smaller continent to the north west of Entheria. It consists of the following kingdoms:
  • Kingdom of Invergard
  • Kingdom of Ostwald
  • Kingdom of Ashdale
  • Kingdom of Falongard
  • Kingdom of Undrus


  Owai is a large continent to the north east of Onderfel & Undrus consisting of the following empires, kingdoms and free cities:
  • Oskuwa
  • The Owai Free Cities
  • Nuvia
  • Oda


To the southeast of Entheria is Iphis. Separated by the Gulf of Nuvia, Iphis is only accessible by crossing the sea, or travelling through the Nomad Lands and passing through the Waste of Aigea. Iphis is predominantly controlled by the Ilvari Empire. The Ilvari Empire spans from the top of Iphis, all the way to the southern coasts of Aigea.   The Ilvari Imperial Empire control the following notable areas of Iphis:
  • Ilvara
  • Ashos
  • Eshos
  • Yaskya
    Other independent of Iphis nations include:
  • Oshya


  To the southwest of Entheria is the continent of Sundinia. Sundinia is the largest continent in the known world and is famous for its exotic climate, tropical rainforests and great savannahs. Over 200 nations are recognised in Sundinia. These vary from small tribes, great independent cities and powerful kingdoms.    Of these 200 nations the below are the most prominent:
  • Auranthalis (The largest Kingdom in Sundinia)
  • Xyndorath
  • Isle of Samal

The Unkown Realms

The Unknown Realms is the name given to the four unchartered regions of Aigea. These are dangerous places where only mere handfuls of adventurers have returned from. They are:
  • The Blue Beyond - A vast expanse of water to the west known for its treacherous waters and destructive storms. 
  • The Lost East - A mountain range which runs as far as the eye can see in the east. 
  • The Sands of Fire - A stretching desert with scorching sands that the further you get burn more hot than fire. It leads south.
  • The Frost Reach - A land always in perpetual winter, north of the silent sea. 


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