Village of karr Settlement in The Elder World, Conclave | World Anvil
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Village of karr

"A farming village headed by sir And wizard Zalith"   Traveling the road the first sight seen is lesser wooden homes and farmlands The field lands and forested area surrounding the village offer food and fauna for basic trade and resources, along with a smaller hamlet in the forest for timber and hunting.   The village is around 180 people strong with a two family's acting as leaders, they offer agricultural needs and handle the trade route to the castle and black whip port       Mryathll a less then hundred person hamlet set in the nearby woods of karr it offers timber and hunting to nearby karr


Two family's run the trade of the village. The kale family and arlyne family, untied as the Karr Family wizard Zalith owns a tower in Mryathll


The Kale family Human family patriarch Mared with wife Lanay   The Arlyne family Elf family Patriarch Fenmenor with wife Ulahana   The Karr Family Half elf Family A Married union of the two family's Patriarch Walynor with wife Loraona   Wizard Zalith head of Mryathll


5 farmlands for agriculture 1 bar The Sprout aleman 2 inns The Farmers rest, and The Meadow rest 1 common house 1 Market square 1 village hamlet Mryathll
188 citizens
Location under

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