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The Elder World, Conclave

77th Era

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The world is old, scarred from an old gods war and rebuilt on the remains. a once whole world now broken into shards of landmasses and flooded seas and oceans. Its seemingly dead lands thrives with life of races politics strife and peace. the people as diverse as the world they live in and its new gods even more leave the lands in curios states filled with beast and its inhabitants   its Far north as frozen and untouched as the far south and equator filled with broken seemingly severed lands fills the world with many continents and ocean passages between them like rivers of great size and ferocity, the lands separated varying is size and diversity leaves the few war between the nations erratic and predictable   The nations of conclave separated by old borders and even older world scars leave them parted and trade hungry. with most done by flight as the seas only call hardiest of captain and crew Said nations are amputated into five continents its politics spy filled and weary unsure of the next assassination or counter courtship leave the the lesser people untouched by nobles say for taxes tribute. and lesser work   At night the sky's alight by two moons and endless sparkles of stars. show the night as peaceful say for the astronomical aftermath of a nebula across it still. said to be a reminder of the lost gods leave the clear nights brighter then ours and the nights with the rare new moons a spectacular to all and a reminder to the religious.   our story takes place on the smallest shard of a broken continent shards hope the Hillshire nation one of the first established lord land with a king and queen and vessels who watch over settlements and report to the monarchy as well as tax citizens and protects the lands. many other land fallowed suite with new lords and adventures looking to claim fame some do others don't the hill shire kingdom with its main city watching the endless sea and settlements across the small island it is the smallest and furthest west on the broken continent its people rich in diversity and religion live in well conditions under the monarchy   The other nations of Conclave, in the respective order from west to east and north due south are as fallows The Na'Rule kingdom And swindle empire, Velden and Lenrue Provinces, the Scarden and Krulda Empires and the lookda nation is home furthest east,

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