Session 2 Document in The Echo Forest | World Anvil
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Session 2

Vadania's wound was starting to show infection, so our heroes decided to visit the local Apothecary. The apothecarian told them he needed a special pink flower to make the medicine to cure Vadania. The flower could only be found by the lake near the old abandoned temple of Sulvanus which lay deep within the Echo Forest.

While roaming the woods the trees seemed to have a mind of their own, and practically kidnapped Heskin by forming a tunnel and pushing the cleric along with their branches. They brought him to a clearing in the woods where a rhyming oak addressed the dragonborn.

With that, a misty door appeared at the base of the tree. Walking through the fog our players suddenly found them self in front of the old temple complex of the god Silvanus. Walking up to the gate the party was stopped by a group of bullywugs. The leader of them was missing an eye, and inside the empty socket a stone was set. The bullywugs held their spear up and forced the party to back off.
  "She is watching..." the leader of the bullywug guards said pointing to his stone eye.   The party learned the frogpeople were'nt evil, and were forced to defend the premises by orders of the hag living in the old temple. The hag had another group of bullywugs imprisoned, so if the bullywugs left, their friends were surely doomed. From the bullywugs they also learned about a breach in the wall trough which they could enter the area without the hag knowing. The duo soon found the dungeon were the other bullywugs were held and freed them. The freed bullywugs pointed them towards a tar lake in the middle of the temple complex. At the edge of the lake hundreds of pink flowers were blooming. A strange mist was hanging over the tar lake which was filled with dozens animals on the brink of death. As the party got closer to the lake a light appeared in the mids of the mist. The light began floating towards them, and started attacking them. They fought back of course, but as soon as they weakened the creature it flew towards one of the poor animals stuck in the tar lake, and drained the last of its life force. Not sure how to battle this evil our heroes grabbed a fist full of the pink flowers and ran to safety.   They brought the flowers back to the apothecarian, who made it into a medicine for Vadania. Our heroes went back to the Red Dragon Inn to rest. It was here that they learned half the town had fallen ill, because the cook of the Red Dragon had used the meat from the giant rats in the cellar to make a special stew...

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