The Sky Temple Building / Landmark in The Draconian Plane | World Anvil
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The Sky Temple

The Sky Temple is technically located in the Stormfields, but is not accessible from that level of the Overbright. The temple sits at the bottom of the ‘eye’ of a towering column of storms, crackling energy, and anti-magic fields summoned into existence by the dragons to keep the moot a private affair. The dragons created the temple and cyclone alike through an act of high dragon magic - the result of a great song, sung together in an organized cacophony, with transcendental chords and syncopations.   The walls of the storm are many hundreds of feet thick, and stretch vertically from the Stormfields all the way through The Cerulean Reach, ending at the upper limits of the High Meridian. The cyclone churns in place for the duration of the moot. Short of a wish, there is no way to pass through the walls of the storm.   While the dragons value the lives of people, they cannot be bothered with every single life, especially when it comes to an important event like the dragon moot. As a result, the abrupt creation and ludicrous size of the cyclone has destroyed habitats and displaced countless creatures throughout all levels of the Overbright.
Cathedral / Great temple
Related Report (Primary Locations)

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